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Ripping your stitches a few hours after surgery hurts!

Elijah was quick in reacting to what happened, he picked me up bridal style gently but it didn't matter the pain I was in right now sucks!

He ran me back to my room and doctors were already there getting my bed prepared for something.

I had so many questions but right now I couldn't focus on that. Elijah had laid me down on the bed gently.

"Ugh! God damn it hurts!" I yelled out as Elijah moved away so the doctors could work. One was removing all my wires, one was getting the bed ready to move and the last one injected my IV with something but before I could ask questions I was out like a light.


The fucking beeping again. Does that thing ever shut up? "Shut that damn thing off... it's annoying."

All I got in response was laughter... rude.

I open my eyes to Elijah leaning back in the chair with a book in his lap. "That 'thing' is telling us that you are alive and breathing, I would like to know you are alive and breathing."

I groaned "Well it can be quieter while it does its job..." I slowly sit up with little to no pain surprisingly "What happened?"

"Well, you ripped your stitches open and were rushed to emergency surgery again cause you were bleeding out fast and they got you stitched up and also used surgical glue so your stitches won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Also, you should know Ariana is fine and doing great but she was put on oxygen just to be safe. If she stays stable she can be taken off the oxygen in a few days." Elijah explained while he also managed to read a book. I don't know how he did it.

I sigh "Oh thank god, I don't know what I would have done if she wasn't ok." There was a small knock on the door before Sarah came in with a big smile "Hello I come bearing gifts!!" She said happily as she came in with 2 big bags of stuff.

I smiled at her as she grabbed a chair and pulled it close to the bed while setting the bags on the ground.

I smiled over at Elijah before looking back at Sarah "Why gifts?"

Sarah smiled "Well I was telling the other prenatal nurses that you just had a baby girl and they had some stuff they don't use and thought you might want them, some of the stuff is also from the hospital. So first off from the hospital, we have a breast pump! They are crazy expensive for some people so we all thought we would give you one!" She pulled out a medium-sized box and handed it to me.

"It is one you can take on the go if you go on trips and stuff, so it works everywhere, we have an entire bag of clothes sizing from premie to I year. You can look through it after." She set the bag on the bed by My feet before she picked up the last bag.

"And lastly the most expensive things, like toys, blankets, bottles, wipes, and diapers!" I couldn't believe it. I felt like I was going to cry.

I saw Sarah's face change from happy to kinda shocked, "oh honey why are you crying?"I brought my hand up and touched my surprisingly wet cheek. I guess I was crying.

I laughed a little "Happy tears I promise." I spoke softly as I put my arms out. I have always hated someone touching me but if I feel safe with them that's a different story.

Sarah stood up and smiled and she leaned over and gently hugged me. "You're going to be a great mother I just know it."

If my happy crying wasn't enough she got me to sad cry as well cause damn not even one day in and I'm stressed.

This is a very short chapter I promise the next chapter will be longer! I'm thinking about posting maybe 1-2 times a week now, I will be starting my job this week and also work all day on Sunday so I won't be able to write at all.

Please remember to vote and comment!!!

Date Finished: 04/15/24

Word Count: 730

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