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God that sound is annoying. Can someone shut it off, and the lights are so bright that I can see them through my eyelids.

"She had some minor complications but she will pull through. On the other hand, baby is in the PICU, the prenatal intensive care unit. She is 3 months early so the baby will stay there until further notice." I kind of recognize the voice, I think it's Meredith. But who is she talking to? Also rude to talk while I'm trying to sleep.

"Amelia and you are welcome to visit but there are some steps you will have to follow which the nurses down there will explain to you when you arrive. Lunch is available but I doubt Amelia will feel up to eating after such a big surgery." She really needs to stop talking. She's so loud.

"Amelia will probably be very emotional these next couple of weeks, she will be very hesitant to leave her once she's discharged so she will need support in reassuring her that the baby will be in the best hands here. There are some other stuff to talk about but we will need to wait for Amelia to wake up, which shouldn't be long now. So I will be back in about 15 minutes." And with that, I heard the door open and close. Finally some peace and quiet.

Now I don't feel tired. I feel more awake than before. I should probably wake up now, so I slowly started to open my eyes, the light wasn't as light as I thought it was, it was kind of nice.

After a few minutes I was more aware of my surroundings and my body.. and let me tell you, my body HURTS!

I groan as I turn my head and was met with Elijah sitting in a chair. That is who Meredith was talking to.

He looked up as soon as I made a noise. He got up and moved the chair closer to the bed, he grabbed my hand as he had a small smile on his face. "How are you feeling Amelia?"

I thought for a second and frowned. "I hurt, a lot. Can you call the nurse in to see if I can get anything for the pain?" I asked softly.

Elijah nods and presses a button on the remote beside my bed. 3 minutes later Meredith walks in with a smile. "What's wrong you called?"

I nod. "My body hurts, is there anything I can have for the pain?"

Meredith nods "Yes, I'll be right back ok? Hang in there." She then turned around and walked out of the door. Only coming back 4 minutes later. She had a syringe filled with something

"What's is that?" I asked confused as I had never seen anything like that. It looks like blood.

She smiled as she grabbed my arm and put it into the IV line. "It's blood that has elevated red blood cells, it will help your incision heal faster, and this" she pulled out a clear syringe "is just pain killer. So you should be good now. I'll be back in with another doctor in about 5 minutes. Also congratulations it was a girl." And with that, she left the room.

I couldn't hold back my smile as I looked at Elijah. "Did you hear that?!? It's a girl Oh my god... wait," I quickly looked around the room and started to panic, "where is she?!?" I quickly sat up not expecting pain to explode in my stomach. I gasped as I slowly lay back down my arm draping my stomach.

Elijah quickly stood up and grabbed my hand. "She's ok, she's in the Prenatal Intensive Care Unit just upstairs. She is 3 months early so she will be staying there until further

My eyes widen, is it that bad to have a baby 3 months early?!? Oh my god, what if she doesn't make it? It will be all my fault.

As if Elijah could sense my anxiety he started to pet my head. "She is in perfect hands Amelia, you do not have to worry about anything other
than recovering from surgery. You understand?"

As if he had some magical powers my anxiety quickly diminished. I nod slowly as I squeeze his hand causing him to gently squeeze back.

Meredith and another doctor come in exactly 5 minutes later on the dot. Elijah sat back down still holding my hand.

I noticed this other doctor was dressed in normal clothing, nothing doctor-like. Who was she?

"Hi I'm Melissa Shade and I'm with Child Protection Services, I'm here to ask you a few questions."

My whole face dropped and turned a ghost-white color. What the hell is CPS doing here? I haven't even had my baby for 3 hours yet.

I look at Elijah and he too is shocked.

"What the hell is this?!? Why is CPS here?!? I haven't even seen my child and I'm getting CPS called on me?!? Get her out of here!" I could feel my heart racing, I was now stuck with the fear of getting her taken away from me, she doesn't even have a name yet.

"Now let's just calm down Amelia, Meredith was just doing her job when she called us. I am just here to ask a few questions, nothing is happening today." She explained calmly.

This calmed me down just a bit but not much. Then there was another knock on the door before another person came in. She had a prenatal nurse on her coat.

"Hey there new momma, I'm Sarah. I'm going to give you so much new information about being a mother your brain might explode." She said

I groaned and threw my head back into the pillow, it's going to be a long day.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm happy to introduce the new chapter, Melissa! As always don't be a silent reader and please vote and comment!!

Date Finished 04/05/24

Word Count: 1016

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