Fatal Obsession

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Dex's POV

Emily's trembling figure stands before me, her eyes wide with fear. She clutches her umbrella tightly in front of her, as if it is the only thing keeping her grounded in this moment.

I could see the fear coursing through her body, the uncertainty and vulnerability etched into her features. She was like a fragile bird, caught in a storm, desperately trying to hold on and survive. But I knew she was stronger than she appeared, that she possessed a hidden strength that only emerged in moments of crisis.

Her presence, though small and seemingly insignificant, filled the room with a tangible tension. It was as if the air itself had shifted, the molecules rearranging to accommodate her fear and presence.

I wanted to reach out to her, to wrap her in my arms and assure her that I was only here to protect her. But I knew that wasn't what she needed right now.

So I simply stood there, watching her with a mixture of admiration and concern, sending her silent messages of support and understanding.

My heart raced as I recalled the events of that day, when my anger and frustration had led me to set Mark's house ablaze. In the heat of the moment, it felt like the only way to express my pain, but now I couldn't shake off the guilt and regret coursing through me. It wasn't planned nor anticipated, but one thing led to another and my emotions took control over my reason.

Mark died because of me. The reality stings, a constant reminder of the monster I've become. The image of my brother's scorched body keeps replaying in my mind, an endless loop of torment that has me wincing. My little brother's gone because of my twisted obsession.

"Dex, what the fuck are you talking about?" Emily's voice cuts through my thoughts like shards of icy, jagged glass. Her words, sharp and accusatory. Unspoken tension lingers, palpable and suffocating, enveloping us both in a veil of unease.

"I...I didn't mean to..." I stammer, though it sounds feeble even to my own ears. A repulsive truth is sprawled nakedly before me, demanding attention. "Emily," I plead, my voice cracking with the weight of my confession. "It was an accident."

She flinches at my words as if they physically strike her. The light that usually dances in her eyes is dimmed by shock, replaced with a cold wariness that I've never seen before.

"An accident?" she repeats, her voice choked with disbelief and veiled horror. Her gaze tells me she's trying to piece together the puzzle – why Dex? Why Mark? Her warm brown eyes are hard now as they bore into me, searching for a hint of deceit or remorse. It feels like she's peering right into my soul; and I let her see it all—the guilt, regret and a fierce protectiveness for her.

"I loved him. But he was trying to keep us apart," I say quietly, my voice barely more than a whisper. I am not sure if those are the right words or if they can ever justify what happened; but it's the truth—part of it at least.

She looks at me then and there's something new in her gaze now—a mix of hurt, betrayal and utter disbelief. She steps back from me slowly as if distancing herself from a lethal disease.

"If I hadn't done it, he would've killed me first. Then you." I continue trying to justify my actions to her and myself.

Emily shakes her head, her lips pressed into a thin white line. "You're fucking insane," she murmurs, turning away from me. She leaves, the echo of her statement hanging in the cold air between us.

Alone now, I stare unblinkingly at the space she's just vacated. The words replay in my mind - insane...insane...insane... The word taunts and mocks me, reminding me of what I've become. My hands are shaking and I clench them into fists, trying to contain the tremors that are coursing through me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02 ⏰

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