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School today was AWFUL. I was half asleep the whole day and I couldn't even pay attention to anything. The only class I really paid attention to today was chemistry. Me and a girl named Alex got partnered up for a project. Not only is Alex cute, i'm pretty sure she's Spider-Woman. But that wasn't what I had to focus on right now. Right now I had to focus on that weird envelope that was in my locker. I was just sitting on some random rooftop when I read the letter. It said to meet on some rooftop at 1:00 in the morning. I honestly hate villains that know your identity. They are so much scarier. But for now, I just had to distract myself for a couple hours until it was time to meet on that rooftop. I mostly swung around town, stopped a bank robbery, ya know the normal stuff. When it was finally time to meet on that rooftop I made my way over there.

When I landed on the roof, I saw the one and only Spider-Woman. My first thought was that she found out my real name. That's why it was on the envelope. "So you figured it out huh?", I said to Spider-Woman. "What are you talking about dummy" she said back. "The envelope?", I waved the envelope around, "you figured out who I am. Congrats. What's my punishment?". She looked at me confused through her mask. "I got an envelope too.", she said. Right as I was about to say something else about 20 guys burst through the rooftop doors. They were all wearing all black with weird masks that looked like crows."I was not planning on doing a lot of fighting tonight", Spider-Woman yelled out to the guys in masks. I chuckled at her.

We started to fight the masked men. I took half and Spider-Woman took the other half. They had a weird fighting style. It seemed like they were ninjas. It took us a while to get them down. After a good 30 minutes of fighting there were only three guys left. As I went to throw a punch on one of the guys hit my back really hard. I went flying into a wall. Spider-Woman asked if I was ok and I gave her a thumbs up. I was not ok. The wind was knocked out of me. Spider-Woman was taking on all three guys when one of them pulled out a knife. As she was fighting two of them the third snuck up behind her. I yelled her name and she turned around as the bad guy stabbed her in the gut. She bent over in pain and right as he was about to stab her again I shot webs at him and he went flying. When there were only two guys left another 20 dropped down from helicopters in the sky. I sprinted over to Spider-Woman and grabbed her. I picked her up and I swung away with Spider-Woman in my arms. As we were swinging away I heard them yell,"Godbend is coming for you". Once I thought we lost them I found a safe rooftop to set Spider-Woman down.

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