Mirabeth of Levicius.
"Am I in earth, in heaven or in hell? Sleeping or waking, mad or well-advised?"𖤐ʾ Mirabeth Eirene Ksiena of Levicius (Мирабет Ирине Ксиена Левиция), presumed to be the heir of the Levician Throne. Although responsible and deemed fit for the responsibility by the kingdom counselors, Mirabeth has always been called by her schoolmates as 'Defensive' and somehow unapproachable. Yes, while Princess Mirabeth has the qualities and skills of a born leader, she has a somehow unlikeable personality. Mirabeth is aware of her powers as the Queen of Levicius, Karyl of Levicius (Карил из Левиция) sent some royal counselors to go with Mirabeth when she was sent to Earth as a two year old child due to Elysiana's consequences.
𖤐ʾ Levicius. Левиций — Known as one of the 'Big 3' Kingdoms. It's immense economy is thanks to its exports of diamonds and gold. Levicius is a Kingdom, plenty of resources. Levicians live within cold climate, under the rule of King Miguel and Queen Karyl, as both daughters of the rulers (Mirabeth, alongside her younger sister Kireia) were sent to Earth by Elysiana of Xenadiea. The Levicians speak the Levish Language, adopting the Cyrillic Alphabet, as well as Latin Script.
𖤐ʾ Born in May 18, 2005 (human years), Princess Mirabeth is 19 years old. She has a younger sister, Princess Kireia Elyzibeth Mirielle of Levicius (Кирея Элизабет Мирей из Левита). She is fluent in English, Japanese and Levish.