chapter 1

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A cupboard beneath the staircase in Dursley's house, number 4 Privet drive in Little
Whining, had become home to Harry, Harriet Potter, her name was. It had a bed above some
boxes for her clothes, and a wall mount fan.The only decor it had were the switchboards and
the wires.
She couldn't be more grateful for the door it had, for she could herself away in the little world
of hers.
The clock had just struck 12, it was her eleventh birthday. She was dressed in the old
rags she had received from Dudley, the t-shirts and the pants that didn't fit him anymore
were thrown in her way. They, too, hung low on her skinny body. She tossed and turned
around in her little bed, finding her room a little too suffocating than usual.
She had never been a part of the Dursley's party, but from the tiny room of hers, she always
heard the commotion, the greetings, the oh so grandness of it all, she had heard it. Today too,
Aunt Petunia had given her a piece of bread, with disgust lingering on her face, with some
leftovers from their dinner that day. That was her share of food everyday. She ate it without
any complaints and washed her plates before returning back to her room. And now here she
was, struggling to sleep.
She pulled out one of her boxes and took out a book she had. A plastic name sticker on the
book read Dudley's name and it was all dusty and worn out. She just began flipping through
pages when she heard a loud thud at the front gate. Followed by some muffled sounds. She
didn't bother checking as Uncle Vernon had strictly told her not to show her face around.
After a pause of silence, a knock was heard with a thud again. She abandoned her book and
ran to Dursley's room. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon were sleeping with Dudley
sandwiched between them. She tiptoed around the bed and went to Petunia's side, gently
shaking her to wake her up.
"What is it!" Aunt Petunia whispered to her. Eyes squinting from the sudden light and her
eyebrows pulled in a furrow. Without waiting for Harry's answer, she hurriedly turned to her
side, patting the area where Dudley slept. Upon finding his breathing body, she let out a
breath of relief.
"There's someone knocking on the door." Harry whispered. Petunia looked at her with
confusion and almost dismissed her until she heard the knock for herself. She looked back at
Harry, and gritted her teeth, warning her that it better not be one of her pranks because
there's no way a guest would arrive this late without a prior notice or a message. She walked
over to the door, Harry followed behind her with her little footsteps, trying to hide behind
her without making it obvious.
She looked at Harry once again before opening the gate. Petunia slowly swung the door open
and screamed. There stood a man, the door being too small for his large frame, Petunia was
met with his chest through the opening of the door, his neck and head hiding due to his
height. His rough and curly hair dangling near them. Aunt Petunia fell on her back due to the
shock of it all and Harry was frozen in her place. The man ducked and stepped in, keeping
his back hung low. He had a large umbrella in his hand that dripped water all ove

"Happy birthday, Harriet!" He exclaimed, ignoring Aunt Petunia squirming beneath him. He
took out a box from his coat and handed it to her. "Not everyday a young lady turns eleven is
it?" Harry opened the box to reveal a messy cake with pink frosting and green fonts saying
'Happy birthday harry!' By the time she finished reading, the frosting had melted all over the
place. "Thank you!" She smiled and said. Hagrid nodded back at her. He made himself
comfortable and sat down on the sofa in front of the fireplace. He swung his umbrella and
pointed at the fireplace.
Large balls of fire emerged and hit the log, lighting up the whole fireplace at once. Harry's
eyes widened, she looked at the fire then at the man. The room was immediately warmed up
so it was no illusion.
"Um...who are you?" Harry asked, eyes still widened from horror.
"Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of keys and grains in hogwarts." He chuckled. "I suppose you know
a little about hogwarts?"
"I am afraid-I do not."
"No? Do you not wonder where your mum and dad learned it all?"
"Learned what?" Hagrid looked at Vernon and Petunia, shaking their heads from
"You're a witch, Harry." If her eyes weren't bulging out before. They definitely were now.
"I am sorry. I think you got the wrong person, I am just-just harry! I am no witch!" She went
on a rant.
"And Ms. Just Harry, have you ever made things happen when you were angry or upset?"
Harry gulped down and offered him a small nod. He smiled in acknowledgment. He stood up
and stared at The dursleys and took something else out of his pocket. This time, it was a
letter. He handed it to her. With hesitation, she began reading.
"Dear Harriet Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into
Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry." Students shall be required to...." Before she
could finish reading, Uncle Vernon stomped to her side.
"Stop this nonsense! We took her in and put a stop to all of this! Now you want to take her
back and put her in a place that teaches magic and curses and what not? We won't allow it!"
He spoke, voice rising with every letter he spoke.
"You knew!" Harry yelled. "You knew all of this! You told me my parents died in a car crash,
you lied!"
"A car crash? That is ridiculous, James Potter died in a car crash?" Hagrid dryly chuckled

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