Chapter 4

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* Lucy has been having fun in her new job as an FBI agent

* Lucy felt sick like she was about to collapse

Brendan : you okay
Lucy : I *collapses
Brendan : Lucy Lucy Chen
Carter : get her to the hospital now

* Brendan picked her up ran  to his car put her into the band and got into the car drive to the hospital

* at the hospital

* Brendan ran in with Lucy put her on the bed

* couple hours later

* Lucy started to wake up

Brendan : Lucy
Lucy : what happened
Brendan : you collapsed
Lucy : I don't know why

* the doctor came in

Doctor Lucy Chen we did some blood tests and we know why you collapsed
Lucy : okay
Doctor: congratulations your pregnant
Lucy : what

*hope you liked this chapter

* Lucy just found out she's  pregnancy

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