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Miku and Teto. Two friends who lived in a horrible reality.
Their reality only caused them to feel horror, fear and despair.
They needed to cope with this reality. How they were going to do that though, was a blank page for both of them.

"Miku, if we run away from this place, maybe we'll find a better place in this reality." Teto suggested.
Where would they go to though? Without any idea, Miku agreed and they ran away aimlessly until they found an empty area.
In the empty area, there was grass on the ground that continued til forever. Where they came from was invisible to them. In the middle of this nowhere, there was a house? It didn't really feel like a house. It had white walls and no windows.
Without a choice, they knocked on the door.
No answer.
Miku said, "Let's just see if the door is open!"
"Miku wai-" before Teto could finish her sentence, Miku opened the door. They suddenly found themselves in a colorful reality.

"Oh, hi visitors! Welcome to Fun Land!" Says a creature. Fun Land... an odd name. "In this place, you can find confettis, parties, and many many other enjoyable activities! It'll be so fun and you will never want to leave ever again!"
Miku and Teto got excited. These stuff didn't exist in their reality.
"However..." the creature continued, switiching to a rather serious tone, "if you stay in for too long, you may forget your actual reality."
Miku replied: "I'm completely okay with that! It's not like our reality was really great, right, Teto?"
"Hmm... our reality wasn't great but we can't forget where we came from. What if we forget who we are too?" Teto says worriedly.
Miku and the creature reply, "It'll be fine, don't be afraid!"
Teto carefully decided to play along.

One day, two days, three, four... They lost the count of the days.
Teto was having nightmares from time to time, waking up in fear.
Miku was never sleeping, simply because she wanted to have fun every moment.
Whenever Teto woke up from her nughtmares Miku would say "What are you even having nightmares about? Our lives are absolutely amazing!"
At first, she was saying that nervously because she knew damn well the reality they came from was horrible. A while later, she started saying it more relaxedly, as if she forgot? where she came from.

Miku was always so caught up in the fun and games while Teto would always be careful while doing everything.
In their alone times, their activities would differ. Miku would dance and sing with the creatures, while Teto would stay as far as she can from the music, thinking of her past, fighting to not forget it.

On a normal day, Miku, Teto and the creatures have some chats.
Miku says, "Real feelings are so unnecessary, they just shrink our safe zones!"
Teto agrees?, "Yep, it's better to escape! Eventually you'll be saved from being lured into sweet traps?" She thinks, Now that Miku can't live sanely in this world, perhaps its better to "surrender" and pretend to know nothing...

Miku continues, "If a bunch of flowers dressed up with words can steal one's heart, are they real?"
Teto thinks, We recieved an invitation to a place where everything will be tainted after a while.

And they continue, til the conversation ends.

On yet another day, Miku and Teto were hanging out together outside.
"Hey I'm bored. Let's do a quiz! You ask give me the first letter of words, and I'll try to guess the word!" Miku says.
Teto agrees.

H _ _ --> Hat
E _ _ _ _ _ --> Eraser
L _ _ _ _ ---> Lemon
P____________________________ ----> Phosphoribosylaminoimidazolesuccinocarbo

Miku asks Teto "What even is that last thing you asked? I got the others right but..."
Tet"o just says "Chemical." and refuses to elaborate.
"Hold on..." Miku suddenly says, as if she realized something. "The first letters of the words you asked... they spell 'H-E-L-P', help?" She looks at Teto in confusion.
"What is this now?" Miku asks angrily. "Help? What fucking help? We're out here living our best life, having no troubles, and you're signing 'help'? We're tailor-made for this world!"

Fooled? by this truthful acting, Teto's heart beats so very loudly. So Teto replies,
"You're losing it aren't you realizing it Miku? You don't remember where we came from! Your sanity is lowering every second we spend in here. Since this is like a game to you, let me put it like this: your 'extra lives' are quickly being lost, your durability is 'worn away'. You're dodging the reality's matters that were right in front of you and getting lost in this made-up 'Fun Land'!"

There was a crowd around them, the creatures who overheard their argument. Teto says, "Someone please help me!" in a cheerful tone to not be suspected very much, in hopes to find someone who is aware like her.

A creature from the crowd says, "You don't believe in our reality, and you intend to decive your friend? We will help you be aware of what's real and what's fake, please come with us, both of you."
Miku happily agrees to follow them, happily saying, "Yeah Teto, you'll see this world is our home! Not whatever the fuck you were talking about!"
Teto refuses to follow them, so they force her to come along.
"Okay, who first?" One creature asks another.
Miku screams, "Ohhh!! Me, me, me!!"
The creatures get Miku to stand, telling her to move along with the thing they'll show to her and listen to their voice.
Teto consumes something quickly in the background without anyone noticing.

In a short while, Miku "shuts down".

Next up, they grab Teto. They do the same thing to her, however she seems to be resisting so they keep in doing it. Day and night until she believes in them... Which took 10 days.
Little did they know, Teto wasn't hypnotized. She was secretly still aware, reducing the amount of signs she gives, forcing herself to keep her mouth shut.

And so, they continue as if nothing ever happened.

Miku seems fine at first for a while. Teto, however, was extremely nervous about what would happen to her friend.
As things went on, Miku got weirder and weirder, Teto always kept an eye on Miku, not even trusting her and being afraid of what she could do.

Each day, the sky seemed to be darker. It was as if as Miku got more strange, the sky was getting darker.

At last, Miku loses it completely. She lets the world consume her will completely and "enjoys" forever. Teto sees what is going on and gets even more afraid, seeing how Miku's movements changed to an insane level.
More and more confettis started raining.

Teto, who was trying to still play along with Miku, realized she couldn't keep up with Miku's insane movements. In fear of being noticed, she continued aimlessly.

However, with how Miku ended up, she hung herself at last. When Teto saw what had happened to her, she completely got in fear, still trying to smile since the creatures were around, however, she failed to hide herself and got noticed by them.

"You're pretending to be one of us, aren't you?" They said, and started their next attempt on hypnotizing her.

At first, Teto intended to resist. Then she thought, "What even is the meaning of fighting like this? My friend just killed herself. What will I even earn by living?" and so, she surrendered and ended up getting hypnotized as well.

The creatures wanted to understand her secrets before letting her die, so they asked her questions.
"How many times have you tried signing for help?"
"Six. Once in a normal chat, twice in the argument with Miku, three times in the quiz." Teto answered emotionlessly, seeming to have completely surrendered.

The question was asked by another creature this time, "How did you resist the hypnotizing attempts?"
"With a chemical I made in this reality, phosphoribosylaminoimidazolesuccinocarbo. It stops me from hearing your words that you'll use to hypnotize me, while reminding me of my memories."

"That's all of our questions. Let her rot and die." says another creature, and they all leave her all by herself with the hanged Miku next to her.

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