01 || the very first day

39 4 10


Song: Taylor Swift - So High School

★ ★ ★

"C! Hurry up!" Heather shouted from downstairs, she watched mean girls lately and now has an obsession with calling her friends by their first initial.

"I'm coming!" I shout, grabbing my schoolbag and quickly walking down the stairs, almost tripping doing so.

As I'm downstairs I see the opened front door. I look outside I see Heather's car standing in the driveway, Heather's sitting in the drivers seat waiting for me while listening to her favorite song, So High School by Taylor Swift.

"Hey Heath, how are you?" I ask while walking to the car door and sitting down in the passenger seat.

"I'm good and you? I heard Gwen and Duncan got back together.. I bet they're gonna break up in a few days, they aren't a match." Heather said, driving down the driveway.

"I'm good too, I'm happy I have Scott, at least he doesn't cheat on me like Duncan did on Lindsay." I told her, watching the sun coming up.

"You're still with that ginger farm boy? Gosh C, you can do so much better than him." She states as I roll my eyes. She has always had something against Scott, I just don't know why.

When we see the school come into view, Heather sighs, "I don't wanna go to this hell."

"Oh come on, Heath. It won't be that bad, I think." I say, as Heather parks her car, once she's done we both get out of the car and walk in the school.

As we enter the school, I see Lindsay standing there, talking to Duncan. "He really is a player." I told Heath and pointed to Duncan and Lindsay.

"Yeah, he is. It's a shame that he's my cousin, I can't believe that him and I are family." she says as we walk towards Bridgette who's talking to Geoff, her boyfriend.

"Oh hey Courtney and Heather! I was wondering where you were," Bridgette states just as the bell rings, "oh gosh ofcourse the bell has to ring at this moment."

"Which class do you guys have?" I ask them, hoping they will have science too, I don't want to have science alone because Duncan is there, and he will probably mess with my stuff again, just like always.

"I have maths." Heather and Bridgette say at the same time, as I grunt.

"Well see you both soon I guess." I quickly say, speed walking to science.

I hope I will have a good seat, that is not near Duncan.

As I enter the science class, I see that there is a seating plan, and that I will need to sit next to..


Ofcourse I have to sit next to him . The teacher probably wants us to bond together as we never talk.

I walk to my seat, sit down and unpack my stuff, listening to what the teacher is explaining.

"Not even an greeting? I'm offended Principessa." Duncan says, acting like he's offended, gosh he's such a Neanderthal
[translation: princess].

"Whatever-" I say as I roll my eyes, the teacher cuts me off.

"Good morning class, please grab your books and open them on page eight." Ms. Honey says, walking to her desk and sitting down.

Miss Honey isn't my favorite teacher, she's always in a bad mood and never lets us choose who to sit next to.

I open my book on page eight and read the text. I can feel Duncan staring at me, but I don't look at him.

"Stop staring at me." I whisper, hoping the teacher won't hear us.

"That's hard when you have such a pretty face, Principessa." Duncan says, loud enough for the teacher to hear.

"Duncan Tarun, stop talking during my explanation." Miss Honey states and stops writing on the board.

Duncan rolls his eyes and wants to say something, but gets cut off by the teacher, "You know what, both of you, Duncan and Courtney go to the principals office." she says, not even turning her head back.

I scoff, if she thinks I am going to the principals office with him then she's crazy.

She turns around and sees me still sitting there, "Courtney hurry up!" she shouts, rolling her eyes.

"But I didn't do anything wrong?!" I shout back, regretting my actions immediately.

"Courtney, you better go to the principals office right now or you will get a one day suspension for talking back." Miss Honey says.

I can't get suspended my parents will kill me, so I stand up from my seat and walk out the classroom, just to see Duncan standing there with his signature smirk.

"I didn't know you talked back, Principessa." Duncan smirks, as I pretend not to hear him and walk in the principals office.
[translation: Princess]

"Courtney, why are you here?" the principal asks, my eyes glance at Heather before looking at the principal again.

"Well, Duncan kept on talking to me even after I told him to stop. So when the teacher heard us she told both of us to go to your office." I told him truthfully.

"And where is Duncan?" he asks, glancing around his office.

"Right here." he says, standing right behind me, his fingers in my hair.

"Duncan stop doing that." I whisper.

"Principessa, just calm down." he whispers back, his fingers still in my hair.
[translation: Princess]

Gosh, why does this have to be so relaxing? I should be mad at him for letting me be in the principals office, but now I'm basically just relaxing and pretending it's not a big deal?

My parents are gonna kill me.

"Stop thinking about your parents." he mumbles in my ear, his voice so soothing.

"Alright Courtney and Duncan, you both have detention after school." The principal states, glancing at us and how we're standing.
"Alright." Duncan smirks, picking me up and walking out of the office to an empty classroom.

"Duncan? What are we doing here?" I ask him, clearly unaware of what he's doing.

"You'll see, Principessa."


I actually wanted to post this so long ago already, but I forgot to... (sorry🙁)This chapter is probably so boring but okay, gonna start writing the 2nd chapter right now!
(But I probably won't write much because the Netherlands (my country) is playing against Turkey so yeah!!

1057 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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