47 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ the little desert mouse

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌗 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


'When the cat's away, the mice will play.'

─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌗 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───

Out in the sands, everything is still.

Until a little desert mouse comes scurrying along, another follows, and the first preens its fur before they find a tube in the ground.

Both curiously inspect one as breathing is heard, and as the little creatures dig into the sand, one of the tubes shifts as a shadow forms overhead in the distance.

"Hey, get out of here. Go." Paul whispers through the mask, shifting his head to make the little creatures leave.

"Stop moving," (Y/N) quietly hisses with a snicker, lightly hitting his hand underneath the sand as she tries to get the mouse above her to leave.

The mice scuttle away as a giant machine touches down on the sand. A huge Harkonnen plow with spider-like legs and a carryall above.

Soldiers sit on the sides of ships, guns at the ready as they scan the area, ready to shoot on sight. Large, metallic spikes dig into the sand, and slowly, the giant beast starts to move on tracks. Soldiers walk with it, making sure their work isn't disrupted.

The beast groans, heading straight for the Fremen that lie under the sand.

One wrong move and they were dead either way.

The tiny spikes kick up the sands, and upon being way too close, the Fremen leap out of the sands and spring into action, rushing towards the soldiers and taking them down with precision.

Paul and (Y/N) fight side by side, using each other's tactics as openings for weak points to kill the soldiers.

"You okay?" he asks as she and Chani meet with him.

"Yeah," (Y/N) nods.

Gunshots are fired from above, and some of the Fremen fall to the bullets, though most make it to the safety of the metallic legs.

With nowhere to go for safety, they quickly rush underneath the giant beast, crawling army-style to avoid the hundreds of spikes coming towards them. Once they're out, Paul, (Y/N), and Chani use the wheels for cover, the others yelling commands and rushing towards other soldiers to their left.

"Let's go! Move!" Chani shouts as they beeline it to the safety of a leg as it digs into the ground, knowing they have limited time as Chani opens her bag, gathering up the materials for a bazooka.

Paul notices someone nearby and quickly parries their blow, Chani and (Y/N) watching as they fiddle with the weapon, the soldier quickly falling.

"Nice work, love," (Y/N) breathes, smiling under the mask as she moves to let Paul get closer to the female Fremen.

"Load." Chani says, now taking a knee as Paul opens a compartment and gets one of the large bullets inside.

Two more Harkonnen soldiers approach from their west, and (Y/N) unsheathes her knife, though her husband already is on the move.

He scrambles, using everything he's got and cuts one of the men's legs, making him yell out though he's still hellbent on killing the Fremen. Another soldier rushes at (Y/N) and while she fights him off, the hurt Harkonnen stalks towards her, and Paul realizes she's not going to make it if she's fighting one.


His eyes widen, and he falls over, though he quickly scrambles up as his wife kills the first, Chani keeping her eye on the prize.




𝐲𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐧 ⁀➴ paul atreidesWhere stories live. Discover now