48 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ into the fray

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌖 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


'Let the sky fall. When it crumbles. We will stand tall.'

─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌖 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───

Chani whips around, firing the bazooka at the Harkonnen soldier, sending him flying into the tracks of the mighty metallic beast and causing an explosion.

In the same moment, Paul slides to his knees and practically tackles his wife, shielding her from the danger that's no longer present.

"Reload!" is all she says as (Y/N) and Paul exchange a look of shock before they scramble to get a new piece into the weapon.

Paul works swiftly, setting in a new bullet. Chani aims it at the ornithopter, the blue-tinted precision marker now at eye-level. She fires, but it doesn't get through the shield. The blue color vibrates and mocks them, signaling that their plan has been foiled.

For now.

Chani groans in frustration before she barks, "Reload!"

The Harkonnen on the ship opens fire, Paul gasping as he yells a "Watch out!" before he tackles Chani out of the way, his wife moving to shield herself in the shadow of the metal foot they hide behind.

Paul scrambles up as he notices the leg moving, grabbing (Y/N)'s hand as the three follow the movement of the leg, undetected by the ship. They slide into the sands, reloading the bazooka.

"Its shield will only open when it fires," Paul says.

"I know that. What do you think I'm trying to do?" Chani asks, clearly upset he's pointing out the obvious as (Y/N) shakes her head, trying not to laugh.

"I'll trigger it. On my signal. Be ready."

Her face falls. "What? Paul, no." 

"(Y/N), we don't have time." His gruff voice reaches her ears as he cups her face, staring into her eyes for a moment. He crouches down by the edge of the metal arch, poised and prepared to move.

(Y/N) couldn't even protest. Once Paul had set his mind to something, he'd do it. 

Chani sets herself on the opposite side, ready to open fire on his signal.

Just as the back of the bazooka opens, Paul starts running as he shouts, "Go!"

The Harkonnen on the ship has his attention caught by the fleeing Fremen, and (Y/N) watches as her body lurches forward by an inch, wanting to chase after him, but she'd be dead. But now, more than ever, she wants to run as her husband races to get to the other leg, only to find it moving which creates more distance.

"Ah, shit!"

Bullets are fired, multiple at a time, but none hit their target. Paul makes it to safety, diving into a barrel roll to avoid the last of the bullets.

The soldier brings his attention towards Chani, who lowers the bazooka. A high-pitched whine causes the Harkonnen to look at the ship, finding a bullet pierce through the shield and cause a massive explosion.

(Y/N) laughs in disbelief as Chani laughs in something of victory, both running towards Paul as the burning remains of the ship come crashing onto the sand.

The three race away from the giant beast, and in the sands, a few of the Fremen fire lasers straight through the metal, destroying it and causing a bigger explosion.

The Harkonnens were dealt with once more.

But this... was barely the start.




So sorry for not updating! I've been spammed with so many votes and comments BEGGING me to come back, and here I am! (I didn't expect so much support, and I'm still reeling.)


Anyways!! HI! Where have I been?! Oh, I don't know--getting my license, now having jet lag, working on multiple projects at once--it took me. four. HOURS. to outline a story. Someone send help.

I'M BACK! Also, I finished watching Part Two on the way to Europe since I'm spending the month there--again--and now I've gotten so many ideas for this story and figured out some twists that I realized I made mistakes in. But they're fixed!!

But, enough of my ranting. I'm back and better than ever!! (And hopefully publishing a book somewhere, but I suck at editing--I don't even have a manuscript--so, yeah. WHOO!)

And we're almost at 300 followers and 60,000 reads!! THANK YOU!!

And Happy Fourth of July!

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