The very first morning

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Elzie's pov:

As the ear-splitting sounds made my ears burn, I woke up screaming and dragging myself from the bed. "God, what the heck was that?" I screamed as I slammed my hand on my clock. "This thing will surely make me deaf," I said irritatedly as I looked at the time. It was almost 7:00 AM. "Too early," I thought, as a tide of sleep washed over my eyes. I grabbed my duvet again and slid under it, trying to get comfortable by wrapping it around myself. Just then, I heard a scream, "Elzie, are you awake yet? Today is your first day of high school, have you forgotten?"
Oh no, it was Mom. But wait-today was my first day of high school? And I had literally forgot about that. God I'm so hopeless. I looked at the time again and it was 7.10 AM. That leaves me only with 40 minutes to get ready and reach my school. Damn it. I jumped from my bed, grabbed my towel and rushed over to the washroom to get fresh.

*Time skip*

I was now standing in front of my bedroom mirror, struggling over the decision of whether should I put my brunette hair down or tie it up in a bun. Well, tying it up makes me look tidy, but to be honest, lying it down seems more sophisticated. I was wearing my favourite copper colored jacket with these dark jeans. I don't usually wear much makeup because honestly it makes me feel fake so, I just applied some lip gloss and grabed my headset wrapping it around my neck.
I grabbed my school bag and danced my way down the stairs. As I reached the bottom, I noticed Mom had already set breakfast on the table, and Dad and Sophie were already there. Sophie is my big sister, who is 6 years older than me and was already in college. "Hey, little rascal, how's it all going?" My sister asked as I answered, ''yep, all good.'' As I sat down, I saw that mom had made my favorite breakfast, pancakes and waffles. I mean, come on, whose favorite breakfast isn't it?
As I dig into my food, suddenly my dad told, "Elzie, listen. You know you're in high school now, right?'' 'Mm-hmm,' I nodded as my mouth was full of pancakes. "You know high school can be a turning point in any student's life. I know you have a very good passion for music and sports and other things, but this is high time you should pay attention to your study too." I kept listening silently as I chewed my food down. Dad kept saying, "So I think from now you'll try to be a little bit sincere. You should choose and emphasize on a particular subject, you know. And as it's high school, I expect way more mature behavior from you. So I hope no callings or complaints from the teacher will come like it did in middle school, okay?" I nodded again as I gulped down my food. I could see Sophie smirking at me from other side of the table. I glanced at her and stuck out my tongue. That's when Dad gave a sigh. "Elzie that's exactly the thing I want you not to do. You're not a child anymore." I protested. "Oh come on dad, Sophie smirked at me first." Dad sighed again. " Oh come on girls, what am I going to do with you?" groaned in such a way that made us laugh. That's when mom came say. "Sweetie, have you packed everything you need?
"Yeah, mom"
"Good. And make sure you don't engage in a fight on the very first day."
"Mom," I groaned. "You guys are really making me feel like I'm a troublemaker"
"Well, that's what you are." she murmured under her breath as she walked away. After finishing our breakfast, we bid goodbye to mom and get in the car to start for our school.

*Time skip*

By the time I reached school, I was starting to have this nauseous feeling again. Okay, so maybe I'm a troublemaker and a really extrovert person, but I don't know why I always get this sick, nauseous feeling whenever I get in a new place or meet new people. I mean it’s just stupid. Ugh, I sighed as I made my way to the school gate. "Bye dad bye Sophie," I screamed over my shoulder as they both waved their hands at me. I practically ran to the school gate, but just before entering, someone crashed onto me, making me fall hard on my back in the wet, muddy ground. My back was sore and my clothes were all covered in mud. Good, I really had great start on my very first day!.

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