Meeting the trouble

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"Ah, don't you have eyes, people?" I screamed as I struggled to pick myself up from the ground. I looked ahead of me and saw a tall boy with messy dark hair leaning over a skateboard.
"You know you could have at least said sorry and helped me get up? Didn't you learn any manners? " I said after him.
The boy seem to pay no attention to my words. "Hey, I'm talking to you, you know?" I shouted after him once again. Suddenly, the boy looked at my direction. He was searching for someone. When his eyes landed on me, he said, "What were you telling me?"
"I didn't tell anything. I only asked if you learned manners." The boy fixed his eyes on me for some time. And then said with a smirk,
"You're new here, princess, aren't you?" 'Princess?' Did he just call me 'princess'? Another rage of anger burned inside me. I really hated it when somebody called me princess.
"Yes, yes I am, and I don't see how that helps with your not-so-learned behavior. Listen, I don't care who you are, but if I found you messing with me again, it won't be good for you, you know?"
I said with rage spitting out of my mouth.
He chuckled darkly at that.
"Well, kid, listen then. I don't care if you're a freshman or not. Just listen. No one messes with me in this school. And messing with you, even if I do it, you can't do anything to me. I don't think it's great for someone to mess with me. And no one, I don't even spare any girls, would face serious consequences if they try to do something wrong with me. Understood?" he said, fixing his dark eyes on me.
I gaped at him. Did he just threat me? Does he even know me? Does he even know what I can do? I can make his life a living hell!! Without giving me another chance to talk, he walked away.
Irritatedly, I looked into my dress, which was a mess, and started shoving dust away from it. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked around to meet a girl with short blonde hair, who was wearing a lavender jacket with a neon lavender skirt. She smiled at me cutely and said, "Hey! I'm Lucas's sister." I stared at her dubiously.
"Who is Lucas?" I asked. "Oh, he's the boy who just gave you the threat and walked away." So his name is Lucas. Well, Lucas, you're in for a great trouble. 
"Well, if he thinks that he can do whatever he wants to me, he is wrong, you know. I'm way more of a troublemaker than any other normal girl, and if he do one wrong move, I can ruin him." The girl laughed softly as she picked up my bag. I thanked her, then she said "Yeah, you really seem that of type. You know you're not the type of people who he usually tame around. By the way, my name is Rain. Rain Hancester" Wow, that's a beautiful name. And I have never heard anyone named Rain before. I told her that . It was actually beautiful and so uncommon.
"Well, you know, it has a story behind it. When I was born, it was raining heavily and my mom found it difficult to go to any hospital. So she had me at home with her midwife. So that's why my mom named me Rain. By the way, you are a freshman too?" she asked me.
"Well, I am too. Though Lucas is one year older than me, so that makes him only one class upper than us. Anyway, see you around." She said as she walked away.

Suddenly, the class bell rang. Oh my god, I can't really be late for the first class. I practically ran to my class. I double checked my routine before entering the class. As I entered my class, the class teacher smiled at me warmly.
"Oh, so you are another new student too. Come in."
I get into the class with the same nauseous feeling welling inside me again. Oh come on, meeting new people isn't that bad and I don't actually feel hesitant to them after talking for only like one minute? So I should never get this feeling right? I mean it's stupid. I stared at the class as my teacher told me to introduce myself. I spotted Rain sitting in the second row next to a girl with black hair. She waved at me grinning. I cleared my throat. "Hello everyone, I am Elzie. Elzie Lanse. I have recently moved from Seattle to Chicago with my family. My dad is a chief engineer at a private farm and my mother is a social worker. I have a big sister who study in college. I have a great interest in music, sports, and literature." Suddenly, all the nauseous feeling and the scared feeling removed from my inside. I looked at the class teacher and then at the whole class, grinning broadly. "And yeah, here's this little information from me. I know I'm new, but whatever. If any of you guys seem to mess with me, you'll face a serious consequence, you know? I don't spare any girls or boys. And you wouldn't even know what is hurting you until I tell you that it's me. So, I guess it's better of you to stay off my life." I finish my introduction as I take a quick look at the teacher. The teacher looked very calm, but her eyes were wide with shock. Suddenly, she smiled and said, "Okay, Elzie, that was a wonderful introduction. Now you can go and take a sit." I spotted a seat next to Rain where I dropped my bag. Okay, maybe the school wasn't starting so bad after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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