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Violetta's P.O.V:

After a long day of surfing, laughing and hanging around with my amazing boyfriend, Diego, we decided to head back to my place, or my grandfather's Hut.

"Best day ever!" Diego exclaimed as we were walking on the beach, our hands attached together and being swung by us.

I laughed. "Yeah, it was pretty awesome, huh?" I asked looking at him, smiling. I wish I could tell him already...

"Awesome? Surfing all day, us being together. Awesome wishes it was this awesome." He replied while pulling me closer.

"Yeah, it was perfect." I replied. Ugh... Guilt is eating me up! "Um, listen, Diego -"

I began saying but got cut off by him. "Ooh, did you hear about tomorrow?" He asked excitedly.

I nodded, quite excited as well. "Yeah! Can you believe they're talking about 40-foot waves?" I asked, with a huge grin.

"There's a huge storm coming up from the north." He said, looking at the ocean.

"Surf like that only happens here once every 30 years." I remarked.

"Can you imagine dropping in on a barrel that huge?" I smiled. "Summer's not over yet! Woo!" He yelled.

My smile started slowly turning to a frown. "Come on, I'm starving." I said.

"Race you to the house!" He said before leaving his arm left mine and he ran towards the hut as I let out a breath. "I clearly won." He said as he reached the hut, me walking slowly and lazily behind him.

"Yeah, yeah." I carelessly replied and we entered the hut.

"First thing tomorrow, we hit the beach and that awesome surf." He stated.

I took a deep breath. "Diego, about tomorrow -"

I was cut off yet again by Diego. "W-W-Wait. Do you hear that?" He asked grinning. That's when I heard music from his favorite movie. "No way!" He said and ran, following the sound of the music. I silently followed him and stood at the door. "Hey!" He greeted my grandpa, German, who was currently cleaning a surf board.

"Hey. What's up, bro?" Grandpa replied, still cleaning the board.

"I can't believe you're watching this without me." Diego replied, trying to sound upset.

"Now that you're here, I'm not." Grandpa remarked, glancing at Diego with a smile.

"Please tell me this isn't..." I said waiting for them to continue with its name.

"Wet Side Story!" They replied in union and did their 'special bro-fist'.

"Yeah. That." I replied.

"Ah, 1962. Surfers, bikers. Best movie ever made." Diego said.

I rolled my eyes. "How can you two like this silliness? Especially you, grandpa." I asked walking up to them.

"Silliness?" Grandpa questioned unconvinced. "Vilu, my dear, this movie defined an entire culture." He added as I nodded my head.

"Exactly." Diego accepted. "A surfer guy and a biker girl share a secret love, while trying to unite the rivalling gangs. As an evil real estate mogul tries to turn their hangout into a resort, by building a weather machine which blows up, creating a massive storm!" He explained. Like I cared. "Silliness? Really?" He asked looking at me.

"Well, can we watch it later, because I really need to talk to you."

"Just watch my favorite part. When the two leads eyes meet and they're pulled apart by their rivalling gangs." He said as I carelessly started watching the scene.

🎶 I'm not the kind,
To fall for a guy,
Who flashes a smile.
(It's not your style)
I'm usually smooth,
But I'm over the moon.
(He was just too cool for school)
And now I'm fallin' for ya 🎶

As the lead female character sang the last line, whom I believe her name is Ludmila, fell off the stage and straight into the lead male's arms, whose name is León.

"This is my favorite part, right here." Grandpa said, pointing his finger at the screen.

"Hey! Get you salty surfer mitts off of my baby sister." Ludmila's brother yelled whilst pulling her away from León.
"Get your biker baby sister off of our boarding buddy!" One of León's friends said.
"Oh yeah?" Ludmila's brother said before the bikers and surfers started a dance off or whatever.

"Come on." I whined. "They sing for no reason, they come out of the water and their hair is totally dry." Diego nodded his head agreeing with me on what I just said. "The girls never surf as well as the boys, and they sing for no reason. l had to mention that one again, because even a second time, I don't know why." I explained my point of view.

"But it's always summer, and everyone just sings and surfs." Diego reasoned as the door bell started ringing.

"But really, the surfing looks fake. They'd drown on a real wave. They sing in the ocean, and never spit out water." I said walking backwards. I reached the door and opened it where stood my aunt, Angie.


Hello guys!
This was long, yes, I know. I really hope that you guys will enjoy this book.
I forgot a little bit of the lines so I tried to put them in a different way 😊

See you next time!

~Nour 💧

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