Summary : After your quarrel and your discovery of some new feelings towards your husband, you have to comply to his new rules. But Richard was far to imagine the shift of your behavior towards him while he is still ready to make everything in is power to make you fall in love with him.
Tag(s)/Warning(s) : Forced marriage. Mention of conjugal violence.
A/N: Hello dear 😁 I didn't proofread because I'm too lazy. Let me know if the mistakes are a bit too obvious (I kindly remember you English is not my mother tongue and as long as I can accept constructive criticisms, I ask you to stay kind, I have a soft and fragile heart guys.
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True to his words, the next morning, you weren't able to leave the house at your convenience. Not that you wanted to leave the house with your swollen lips and your bruised cheeks. There were another bunch of bruises and scratches on your legs and arms but you concealed it with the most comfortable of your dress.
This was rule number one from now on. If you wanted to go out, you had to be escorted by your maid but it seemed your husband burdened her with all the work in the world to be sure she wouldn't be able to accompany you anywhere.
Richard was at work and you haven't heard from him since last night. He had entrusted his new rules concerning you to the staff and it had been your maid's duty to inform you of them when you woke up.
You were still allowed to write anything you wished but henceforth, you will have to go to your publisher escorted by either your husband or your maid except if the first one could come to your house, as a matter of course with the permission of your husband and with the whole meeting supervised by the footman.
You could have found these rules rather magnanimous regarding your past behavior towards him if it hadn't been for his last rules, the one you despised almost as much as your father's decision to get rid of you for the perception of a monthly allowance.
From now on, Richard wanted you to sleep in the master bedroom. With him. In the same bed. You weren't disposed at all to do that but all your belongings were being moved in his room. Your clothes will now rub shoulders with his. Your dressing table was already settled in a corner of the room with all your beauty stuff and little by little, your room was emptied in favor of Richard's.
You let the staff at their tasks, it wasn't as if you could do anything to prevent it from happening and you were useless or at least you didn't want to help them to settle your new prison.
You were in your office, surrounded by papers and books, asking yourself if tonight Richard would coerce you to submit to your marital duty. The simple thought brought tears in your eyes but you rubbed them away with a sharp gesture of your hand.