Angry bird

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      After putting Rocky to bed for the day, Kickin was EXHAUSTED. Bubba did ask if Kickin needed help, but Kickin said he wanted to get used to caring for a baby. Kickin wasn't in the mood for ANY BS. Which made things way worse when Picky got an idea.

    While Kickin was laying down on his bed, drained from all his energy (relatable), he heard a loud slam, that shook the house a bit. His eyes snapped open and he sprung up from his bed. He quickly ran to Rockys room, just to see him awake and crying.

    Kickins eye twitched a bit when he looked at the window and saw Picky, who, had fell from a tree that was VERY close to Rockys window. Picky's BIG ASS caused a loud thud, waking Rocky, who wad JUST put to sleep.

    Kickin gently helped Rocky calm down, and put him to sleep, which took 2 HOURS (PICKY WHEN I CATCH YOU PICKY-). It was surprisingly still daytime, and Kickin wasn't having it. He left the room, closed the door quietly and left the house.

   He went to where Picky was, and glared at her with the MEANEST glare you've ever seen. By the time he got there, she was already up and trying to climb the tree again (for 2 hours? Get it i guess-).

   "Pickypiggy...." Kickin said with his voice slightly deep.

   Picky flung her head around and looked at Kickin.

    "What?" She replied, slightly confused. 

      Kickin walked to her, and grabbed her by her hair. She yelped, put Kickin shit her up with a glare. He leaned in and whispered in her ear.

    "I've spent, 8 hours trying to put Rocky to sleep...and if you ever wake him up again I will tear your limbs off and shove them so far of you ass they with come out of your mouth and iu will wear yourself as a sleeve" He said in the coldest voice possible. But he wasn't done.

    "And if you even dare try any kind of bullshit today, I will Crack your head like an egg against concrete, and use your eyes as ping ping balls and your eye sockets as cup holders...and it's not a threat, it's a promise.." Kickin let go of her hair and watched her shake in fear. 

    Tears filled Pickys eyes as she stumbled up and ran off. Kickin walked back into his house, and laid in his bed, leaving the door unlocked purposely. Bubba opened it and walked in, closing it quietly behind him. Bubba sighed and put down his book, glasses, and went into the other room to change his clothes.

  (Kickin is already in his Pajamas)

     When Bubba finished, he came back and laid next to Kickin. He wrapped his arms around Kickin and pulled him close.

   "Long day?.." Bubba asked, spooning Kickin gently.

    "Mhm.." Kickin mumbled, almost half asleep.

   Bubba chuckles slightly, and kisses Kickin on the cheek, as he held him tightly. Kicken fell asleep quickly after, and Bubba followed shortly after.

   And if Rocky cried in the middle of the night, Bubba would be the one to handle it. So this bird can cluck to sleep.

(See what I did there?😏 let me stop-)

   They went to sleep, and lets just say....Picky had some crazy nightmares.

(574 words, sorry that it was short, ill try to make it longer. Next time)

Buh-bye sigmas 😏


☆My Only Love☆ |Enemies to Lovers (Bubba x Kickin)Where stories live. Discover now