✴︎ 42. I Wish You Love 2/2

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I wish you health, and more than wealth,

I wish you love  ❤︎

You were sent back to Ramshackle dorm, right now you were sitting on the porch, you pulled out a chair with the help of the ghosts (they couldn't do much but they were nice about it), your friends had texted that they'll leave you to have a rest day as they didn't want to overwhelm you further.

Your head whirled with doubt and thought, you weren't sure if your friends had saw the duo in the gateway, your old friends. You didn't know you'd see them in such a compromising situation. You wanted to know how your friends felt but at the same time, at the idea of having to explain what you really are and what you've done... it scared you.

It was further into the day, nearly the end of the last class, but who cares if you miss the last twenty minutes? I don't. (That's a lie, I have French at the end of the day)

If you traveled into one of the breezeway halls near the main courtyard, you could see a certain Ramshackle member lurking around. Grim slipped through the hallways, hopping onto a window inconspicuously, looking around and using his better hearing to sense anyone nearby, with narrowed eyes he hopped out the window and sprinted across the yard and hopping into another window.

Grim's back stuck straight to the wall, their ears perching up as their bright blue eyes dart left to right, their stance stopped being tense the moment a certain brunette came into view around the corner, Yuu spotted Grim and gave him a wave, "Let's go," Yuu ushered, rushing past Grim and towards the path that would lead to Ramshackle.

"Velvette!" Yuu huffed, putting his hands on his knees like Angelina Jolie as he stopped in front of the dorm building, seeing his friend sitting on a chair with a downcast expression.

"Wh—why are you here?! Isn't class for another half hour?" You questioned, sitting up in surprise, Grim merely shrugged and walked up to sit on the chair beside you. "Yeah, but we wanted to check on ya!" Grim smiled, Yuu sat on the porch stairs next in front of you.

"Thanks..."you smiled, you were happy that your dorm mates cared for you this much, your heart warmed as the two grinned at you assuringly, a wave of relief and assurance washed within you, softening and putting your inner turmoil to rest.

"But who were those guys? One was just a big TV head!" Grim spoke up, making a box shape around their feline face, imitating a flat screen, confusion written all over their face, "Yeah, and the other was bald..." Yuu mumbled, running his hands through his hair, relishing the fact that he's better off in terms of hair.

You should've seen this coming, your eyes turning down to your feet, "They're... my old friends... ones from Hell.." you replied, you could feel the intrigue radiate off the two as they looked at you, and when you looked at them , they held not a look judgement in their eyes, just curiosity.

"The TV guy.. he took me in after a bit when I arrived in Hell, and together we collared with the "bald" guy, we were a band of misfits.. and soon enough.. three exterminations— or years ago, we hit peak." You explained, looking at your hands solemnly as you reminisced the time with your sinner friends.

Your hand digging into your pocket for your phone, tapping on the photo app and scrolling up all your photos, past all the ones you've taken here and to the very beginning. Your eyes scanning over the picture of the two making out in the background as you posed for the camera cutely.

Scrolling back a few, you saw a picture that you took of you and Vox after getting your first few handful of souls, speaking of which. Your eyes only dimmed more when you realized that you scammed, stole, and made deals with lower level sinners numerous amount of times, and thats when your scleras turned red.

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