chapter 1 adjustments??

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when shota finally got back with izuku after his 15 hour shift it was safe to say Hizashi was a little shocked.

"is that an adorable little bean!!!!!" he yells 

"yes." is all shota says 

"we finally get to use the crib and high chair and- wait where did you get a baby from?"

"my sister died in child birth." is all shota says. he wants to cry, but is the type of person to bottle up emotions and have an outburst of anger.

"oh sho..." Hizashi stood and and hugged his husband, "it'll be okay sho" 

all shota could do is nod into his husbands shoulder "thanks zashi" shota mumbles slipping out of the embrace.

the two men slowly start setting up the crib in the spare bedroom. once they finally finished (6 hours later) the finally lay izuku into the crib hoping they too can sleep peacefully like that.


time skip to about 2 years later.


today shota could tell something was very wrong with his nephew. for one izuku was feverish they laid him in his bed with some fever medication. when he heard izuku wheezing he knew his suspicions were correct. him and hizashi rushed izuku to the hospital. when they arrived the nurses immediately took notice to the wheezing feverish toddler. 

they took him back to try and figure out what was wrong with the child they were concerned. they don't usually see  a 2 year old child wheezing their best guess was asthma. oh how wrong they were.

when all might or Dr yagi heard izuku was there, he rushed to see what was happening to the small child. 

they tested him for every thing from asthma to lung cancer, they all came back negative. this confused and worried Dr. Yagi.  he wanted to reassure Hizashi and Shota, but couldn't even reassure himself.

eventually they figured it out. Dr. yagi explained it to shota and hizashi as his body is weaker than most peoples. making him prone to unknown nonexistent diseases. they also concluded it was terminal, meaning he has a time limit on life. they gave Hizashi and Shota an estimated time he would live. he was going to die before he was 17. 

as this point HIzashi was devastated shota was sad. sad that his only nephew was given a time limit on life at the young age of 2 years old.

they wanted to keep izuku over night for observation. safe to say he was not having it he was crying looking for the words he wanted. he knew something was wrong he wanted to hug his uncle and unkie but they wouldn't let him move they told him every thing would be alright even if it wasn't .

the next day they didn't get to go home, izuku had an attack. he started wheezing and coughing up blood. they didn't get to go home for about two weeks when  they finally cleared izuku to go home with an inhaler and liquid medication.

the day they finally went home, izuku had another attack. lucky for them the medication and inhaler worked.

the next few days consisted of izuku playing a lot with toys. shota and Hizashi were determined to spend all the time they could with their zuzu. they were obviously devastated, but were determined to keep up brave covers.

the next month they got a call from nemuri from highschool. she told them she adopted 'the cutest little purple headed child who izu needed to meet.' her words not theirs. either way they told her to come by with her new son, Hitoshi.

about half an hour later the door bell rang to reveal nemuri and hitoshi. hitoshi waved shyly from behind her legs. Hizashi immediately started gushing over the cute little purplenette. izuku waved from behind his unkie's legs. once Hizashi had calmed down he suggested they go play in zuzu's room they both jumped excitedly and ran to izuku's room.

"what do you want to play hitoshi?" izuku asked 

"lets play cars!" hitoshi said excitedly.

"okay!" izuku agreed 

the two played cars. well until something happened, Izuku started seizing on the ground. Hitoshi was terrified he started screaming for his mother  "mama!" hitoshi screamed with all his two year old might. nemuri came running with shota and hizashi not far behind. with her being a doctor she immediately  put him into a recovery position. when he stopped seizing he looked around confused and started crying. 

shota immediately grabs him and wraps him into a hug shushing him. when izuku calmed down he was asleep in shotas arms. shota decided to lay him down on his bed whilst hitoshi and nemuri took hitoshi out of there. 

a little later hitoshi and nemuri had to leave. when izuku woke up he knew one thing he didn't feel good at all. he felt a wave  nausea   and had a pounding headache.

he started crying which caused shota and hizashi to rush in to comfort him.

izuku ended up throwing up anything he had eaten that day on the floor next to Hizashi. Hizashi rushed to clean it up. while Hizashi cleaned up shota comforted Izuku. eventually Izuku fell asleep in shota's arms. He gently set izuku in his bed and tucked him in. him and HIzashi both went to bed for the night after that. 

The next day izuku felt some-what better not great but better. Hizashi and shota decided to have a movie day with izuku hoping it would help him to feel better. it did help him. he loved his uncles and had a great time with a movie day.

that was for the best shota and HIzashi knew it was best if izuku didn't know of his illness till he was atleast a little bit older. they knew it was them against time. they knew izuku wasn't going to live a full life, but they wanted to give him the best possible life they physically could.

they weren't going to let death grasp their Zuzu until it was time. 

they knew they had to protect him.


Hey its Skye how was this chapter? it was fun to write nothing will be medically correct in this book just what i know.

- Skye out 


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