Airport Ambush

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"We need to escort them to the airport. Make sure you don't fall behind and always stay close with us." Lemon gave instructions to A Rin right before they departed to the airport. A Rin doesn't understand why she needs to stay close with them. It airport not fan signing or fan meet. After checking all the boys already seated in the van, Junghoon starts the engine and they move to the airport. As usual, A Rin sits down at the passenger seat looking at her diary.

Johnny looks at A Rin from behind. She do what she said. She do her work and talks with all of them as usual. Not even once her mention that night even if they are alone. There is no tension or awkward behavior from her at all. Johnny think A Rin really good at forget that she think is not important but for him it impossible. Everytime he saw A Rin he keep remember that night. It come to him like a flash back. Making his heart beating fast. As if he really aware of it every moment. He could feel how her soft her lips is and how warm her body was in his arms.

Jaehyun seat beside Johnny and he notices something is not right with Johnny. He may look fine and being himself but at the same time he seems restless. He always keeps his eye on A Rin. Johnny and A Rin look fine but at the same time, they act differently when their eyes met. It is awkward between them. Did Johnny like A Rin too?

Jaehyun did not know when he started to like A Rin but each time A Rin smile he found himself smiling too. When she did not around, he found that he will keep looking for her. He also found out that no matter where A Rin stands he always found her first among many people. He could notice a little detail of her appearance too. How she looks like when she ties her hair or let her hair loose. How she looks like when she wears something casually and simple or something formal. How she eats her food. His heart will beat fast when her hand accidentally brush against his hand when they walk. Only recently he knows that he falls in love with her. He hopes A Rin coming with them for this overseas trip but sadly she didn't.

Junghoon stops the van at the curb. A Rin couldn't believe her eyes when she saw how chaotic the entrance is. Fans were standing waiting for the boys fully equips with cardboard and camera. Reporter is there too. A Rin looks back at the boys suddenly feeling anxious and nervous. Could she survive this? Taeyong sits in front and his eyes met with her. He could see A Rin expression changes from calm to anxious.

"Now you know...." Taeyong said to A Rin with a smirk. Now she understands what Lemon told her.

"No.1 rules, safety. No.2 rules, safety." A Rin told the boys and remind herself too. She remember back what Lemon told her. Stay focus and stay close with them. She gets out of the van and opens the door for the boys. She let the boys get out one by one and let the security to lead the way for them while she will walk behind them. A Rin need to check everyone safety and make sure that no one left behind.

At first, everything seems so smooth even though it quite loud and crowded. The fans begin close in with the member and the security walk closer by their side. A Rin also walks close at their back but somehow it becomes more difficult to walk as the fans begin to become more aggressive. The security at the side hush the fans to step further give some way for the boys to get through. At one point the security mistook A Rin with the fans and push her back.

"I'm a staff...." A Rin tells him but he couldn't hear him since it was loud and hectic. A Rin was sure the security is confused now. She tried to get close to the boys but he keeps pushing her and she can't walk with them.

Jaehyun looks behind him since he is the last person on the line and A Rin should be right at his back but when he turns he can't see her anymore. He stops for a while and looks for her among the fans and reporters. The security stops her from getting close with them so Jaehyun walks toward the security.

"She is our staff...." Jaehyun told the security and pull A Rin jacket sleeves.

"Ohh....Sorry." He apologizes and lets A Rin walk pass him.

"Thank you.... I thought I might miss you all." A Rin said in pout make Jaehyun giggled. She looks cute like a lost puppy.

"Walk by my side."Jaehyun said and she nods. Johnny looks behind when he found out that Jaehyun stops walking with them. He saw that Jaehyun talking with A Rin.

"What do you think, A Rin?" Lemon asked when they arrive at the check-in counter. A Rin stand tall but sigh at the same time. She don't want to appear clumsy or intimidated with the situation but she can't help it to feel that way. This first time for her to see such chaos crowd. The scream and the flashing light from the camera from all around them. A Rin looks up to Lemon then to the boys.

"This is crazy.... I almost lost among the fans when the security stops me." A Rin confessed with aegyo. She do not even realise that but the boys just laugh at her cute confession.

"This is your first time so next time you know what to do....." Lemon said and A Rin nods, agree with her. After check-in, the boys move to the departure gate and this time A Rin stays close with them until they get in.

"Will you be alright?" Lemon asked A Rin right before she gets in.

"Yes. I know how to take care of myself. I'm not a child and this is not the first time for me to be alone." A Rin said. Lemon may older a few years from her but she always behaves like a mother to her.

"Call me if you need me...."

"Ok. Have fun...Hwaiting...." A Rin said and slightly push Lemon to walk.

"Call me...." Lemon said before she gets in the gate.

"Ok." A Rin stays there for a while to sends them off.

Junghoon sends A Rin back to the dorm. For the first time, she is alone in the house. It's always loud but today it so quiet. This house becomes a strange place for her. She takes a seat on the sofa and looks around the house. For the first time, she notices that this house is spacious and big.

"It's too quiet...." A Rin said to herself. A Rin did not like being in the crowd or noisy place before. She like being alone but now she did not like it anymore. Human is so interesting. Just because she gets used to noise, the quiet becomes strange now. The boys change her after all.

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