Come to New York

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A Rin was so busy helping the other teams and she always spends her time in the office. Sometimes she too tired to go home so she sleeps in the staff room. Lemon hears about A Rin from Junghoon and the boys also learn about this. Lemon afraid if the senior staff bully her since she's a new and temporary staff only.

"Hello...." A Rin answered the phone in a husky voice. It's should be night time in Seoul.

"What are you doing?" Lemon asked.

"Napping." A Rin jokes.

"Nap? It's 10 PM right now, right?" Lemon said and the boys listen to their conversation since Lemon makes the call in their waiting room.

"Yes, right. I still have some work that I need to do. I'm so sleepy and take a short break before continuing." A Rin explains.

"Junghoon tell me that you did not go home for 2 days already." Lemon could hear A Rin laughing.

"It's for 3 days." She answered like it nothing for her.

"YAH!! Are you crazy?" Lemon begins to lose her temper. She did not leave A Rin behind so the other could treat her like that.

"I'm not..... It feels like how we busy with our assignment back then..." A Rin said. One thing that makes Lemon feel relieves is A Rin still could jokes.

"Take the first flight to New York tomorrow morning. Do you hear me?" Lemon said in a firm voice.

"I haven't finished my work yet....."

"I don't care. You better be here tomorrow night. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, ma'am."

A Rin tries to finish as much as she could before she hands it over and put it on her senior table. She checks on the flight detail and takes the earliest flight. A Rin doesn't have much time to sleep so she goes back to pack her clothes and go to the airport. She will catch some sleep on the flight later.


A Rin sits down at the lobby waiting for Lemon. She falls asleep while waiting for her. Lemon not in her room. She goes out for a little bit. A Rin still feels tired and sleepy so she falls asleep the minute she sits down on the lobby sofa.

Taeyong come down to the lobby to go out for breakfast. He saw someone looks like A Rin so he walk closer to her. A Rin was sleeping and alone. She looks so tired.

"A Rin." Taeyong called A Rin slowly.

"What are you doing here? When did you come?" He asked the minute A Rin wake up.

"I just arrive and waiting for your beloved Lemon noona." She answered makes Taeyong smile. Taeyong know that Lemon is not in her room. So he thought that maybe A Rin like to join him for breakfast and freshing up a little bit while waiting for Lemon.

"I'm hungry, do you want to have breakfast with me?" Taeyong asked.

"I love too but let me wash my face first." A Rin said and go to the washroom. She let Taeyong keep her luggage in his room first. Haechan and Mark saw Taeyong so they tag along to have breakfast. They both surprised but glad to see her. It feels something missing without her nowadays. The four of them go to the nearest cafe and A Rin helps them to order their food.

Lemon come back to hotel as soon as possible and looking for A Rin at the lobby but she nowhere to be seen. Lemon call A Rin to know where she is.

"Where are you?" Lemon asked immediately she hear A Rin's voice.

"Eating with Mark, Haechan and Taeyong....."

"You're with them?"


"I thought they going somewhere without telling others."

"My luggage is in Taeyong's room. Can you get it for me?"

"Ok. See you later."

After breakfast, they go back to their hotel. Lemon and a few staff at the lobby so A Rin goes to them first. Lemon briefs her shortly about their schedule. They going to check out now and go to their next accommodation. On the way to their next destination, A Rin falls asleep again. Lemon just let her sleep more since they will work again after this.

The boys also saw how tired A Rin's look like. She seems to lost her weight too. Lemon called Junghoon again after she saw A Rin this morning. Since day 1 she starts to work under different senior staff, A Rin always does errand for others and stay until very late at night. She spends 3 - 4 hours only for sleep and since she too tired to go home, she will sleep on the sofa in the staff room. Sometimes she doesn't have time to eat too.

"Go rest for a while. We will go out after this." Lemon tells A Rin when they at their new accommodation. They book 2 houses side by side and it's had plenty of room. The boys will use one house and the staff will use one. A Rin and Lemon will share one room.

"Thank you." A Rin smiles and carries her luggage to their house. Johnny and Jaehyun just look at her. They do not even talk with each other since she comes. Just exchange bow and smile only.

A Rin takes a quick shower and continues sleeping again. A Rin not only tired from work but jet lagged too. Daily A Rin always sleeps longer than any other member. It's her hobby. Sleep is the way for her to distress herself and recharge too.

"A Rin catch up with her sleep lost."Taeyong said at Lemon but the other boys hear too. Lemon smile before she replied.

"A Rin could sleep for more than 15 hours without a drink and eat." Lemon knows A Rin when she still dances and she saw this before. It's not surprised her more.

"Jinja....? Is that why she sleep without dinner on her first day being our manager?" Jaehyun asked in disbelieve.

"That's how she recharged and distresses herself."

After rest for 2 hours, they get ready to go out again to their next scheduled. This time they will go to the broadcast station for an interview and performing. Since Lemon does not want A Rin to get her panic attack again, she let A Rin stand near with the audience.

While the boys perform someone approaches A Rin. They saw A Rin talking with a handsome man and A Rin seem close with him. He wears an expensive navy color suit. At the end of their conversation, the man hugs A Rin tight. Lemon also saw and curious who is the man.

"Who is the guy you talk with?" Lemon asked when they have dinner after the show. The boys also hear Lemon asking A Rin.

"Matthew McQueen...." A Rin answered casually with a little smile.

"Matthew is your ex-boyfriend, right?" Lemon remember that name then A Rin nods. Johnny feels something strange on his chest when he hears this. A Rin ex-boyfriend is so handsome, tall and seems has stable careers too. He looks at her but A Rin seem not too happy to see him. He feel relieved too.

"What he wants?"

"Nothing just saying hai...." A Rin said like it not a big deal and Lemon let it go.

"Your ex-boyfriend looks so handsome. What he does for a living?" Mark asked since he's curious.

"He has his own business. He is an architect."

"What he do there then?" Haechan asked this time.

"His girlfriend is your fans...." A Rin said and look at Haechan then to Johnny and Jaehyun. Silently A Rin feels proud of them. Johnny smiled when he heard this.

Jaehyun don't even look at A Rin when she said Matthew was her boyfriend. He understands that someone like A Rin could have a handsome and successful boyfriend before. Everyone has their past but future is more important.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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