Imperfectly Beautiful

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I was not looking for perfect
I was not looking for anything,
But yet I was looking for everything

I was looking to find myself.
My sanity, my self-worth, my beauty.
Who I'm supposed to be.

I wanted beautiful

Beauty can be found in everything
A smile
A laugh
A hug
A person

I wasn't  looking for anything
But I found everything.

I've realized it's okay
To not be okay
To be happy
To smile
To cry

It's okay
To want
Be angry

And to realize you'll never be perfect.

I wasn't looking for anything
But anything found Me.

What found me?
A person.
Strange right, since I wasn't looking for anything.

This person is everything..

Makes my smile a little bigger.
My eyes were a little brighter.
Makes me want to stand a little straighter,
And Makes my days a little easier.
Makes my nights less anxious, and my sleep is more peaceful.

I'm not expecting anything, but hopefully, for everything.

When I list these qualities about this human that "found me"; who ultimately held up a mirror.

Showing me my own reflection.

I get an unwanted response.
A response I want to scream at them is wrong.
They have to be perfect
No other human has treated me this way.
Showing me, because I'm important to them; I should  be important to myself.

When I really think about it, though, as I sit awake in the chill of the morning air.
I wish I was in a warm, cozy slumber.

He is right. He's everything but perfect.
He's Imperfectly Beautiful.

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