Chapter 1

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I got bored, I promise I'll go back to my main series soon!  Also, idk if I'll continue this monstrosity or not.. lemme know if y'all would read it
-Beezy 🐝

An- I'm working on another chapter, eventually this fic will have a happy ending

Severus Snape despised Bellatrix Lestrange. He had since they were back in Hogwarts, and admittedly much of that hatred stemmed from her treatment of Lily. But now, seeing her desperately lust after the Dark lord, it was pathetic.

What is a powerful witch like her doing trying to get that failure? He thought to himself as he sat, watching her at a death eater meeting. The man had failed to kill a child! Multiple times! Bellatrix was now attempting to get the Dark lord to let her kill Harry.

Maybe he should let her. She'd probably be more successful than the Dark lord.

"Severus...." The Dark lords hoarse voice broke him out of his trance.

" Yes, my lord?" Snape responded.

"I have decided to send you on a mission. To a mudblood's home. You will find out what he knows about the orders plans. And then, you shall kill everyone in the home." Voldemort said in a raspy voice.

"Yes, my lord. Will I be going alone?" Severus looked at the man at the head of the table."

"Of course not. You will be accompanied by Bellatrix."  At her name, Bellatrix's eyes flicked over to watch Snape.

"The two of you will go tomorrow night."

---------- Tomorrow night -----------

Hearing a knock on his door, Snape opened it to find Bellatrix staring at him.

"Hello Bellatrix. Are you ready?" Looking into his eyes, she said,

"Obviously, Severus." She leaned in close to him, practically pressing her chest to his. Wrapping his arm around her, Bellatrix's heart rate sped up just a slight bit.

Severus apparated them both to down the street from the home, quickly ducking them both into a small, tight alley. Bellatrix's breath quickened. Only then did he realize that his arms were on either side of her and that he was pinning her to the wall.

"Uh ... Sorry. I thought I saw ... Uh.. something." Snape practically stuttered. Bellatrix turned away.

"We should get going. Unless you'd like to stay in the alley all night." Bellatrix walked down the lane, Snape practically tailing after her.

They approached the home, broke in, and grabbed the muggleborn. After Snape hurt him, and he refused to talk, he said,

"Bellatrix, he's all yours."

"Wonderful." Grabbing him, Bellatrix shoved him to the tabletop.

"You filthy little mudblood. You deserve what's coming to you." As Bellatrix cast Crucio after Crucio, Snape, to his surprise, felt himself getting hard. During a break between attacks, the muggleborn slashed at her with a small knife, cutting her top just below her neckline, just avoiding cutting her breast.

"Oh, you horrid little man!" After no information, Bellatrix killed him. Snape felt himself getting even harder at the sight.

What was wrong with him? Why was he so entranced with this woman, despite her murdering people in front of him?

"Ready to go, Severus?" Bellatrix leaned closer to him once more. Painfullly hard, Severus wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer. Bellatrix gasped slightly.

"Severus... I think that we are much close enough to apparate. Unless you are hunting for more..." Bellatrix said flirtatiously, trying to make Snape uncomfortable. Snape apparated them to the same alley from earlier.

"Why are we still here?" Bellatrix demanded.

"Something blocked the apparation."

"Do you think-"

Suddenly, there was a loud crack, causing Snape to instinctively press Bellatrix to the wall protectively. She gasped slightly.

"What was that?"

"Probably an auror arriving. We should go." Severus moved to apparate.

"No... Don't." Bellatrix said.

"If we apparate near Aurors, they'll catch us." She continued. Snape nodded slightly.

"So, what do you propose we do until the Aurors leave?" Snape asked. Bellatrix looked up at him, staring into his dark eyes, blinking slightly.

Staring down at her, he noticed how pretty her eyes were. Normally they were half covered by her hair, but now, standing a few inches shorter than him, breathing slightly quicker than usual, she looked so beautiful.

Suddenly, she wrapped her arms around his neck and went on tiptoe, crushing her lips to his for just a moment. Pulling back, she said.

"I-I shouldn't have..." It was the first time Snape had ever seen Bellatrix stutted. And, judging by her reaction, she herself had rarely heard herself stutter.

Snape slid Bellatrix up the wall just a couple inches, to make them almost the same height. She gasped slightly as her feet lost contact with the ground, as Severus was now supporting all her weight. Gently, he pressed his lips to hers.

"Yes, you should have." Snape whispered.

"I think the Aurors are gone now.." Bellatrix said quietly.

"Yes, I believe you are right." Snape gently kissed her again, teasing her lips with his tongue. In that moment, Bellatrix wanted nothing more than for Snape to shove her skirt up, rip off her undergarments, and fuck her until she couldn't think straight. To her delight, he began to slide up her skirts.

"W-we can't-" Bellatrix said, without much conviction.

"Why not?" Snape looked down at her.

"He might find out... And when he does, he'll be angry." Bellatrix looked to the ground.

"Why would he be? The dark lord allows relationships amongst death eaters." Snape was confused.

"Not with me."

"Are you two... Together? I didn't think..." Snape started

"No.. we aren't. But the dark lord will sometimes... Do things. That I can't say no to." Bellatrix looked down again.

"He can't read my mind, and I'm assuming he can't read yours either. He knows our mission is complete, he won't look for us until the next meeting." Snape convinced.

"I-I just... Can't." Bellatrix looked as though she was about to cry. In the next second, he heard a crack, and she was gone, apparating off.

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