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beep.. beeep beeeeepppp beeeeeeeeeep

"ughhh why is it so early?" Miran groggily went to go shut the alarm off on her phone. she turned over in bed again, in an attempt to fall back asleep.

"weird that my alarm went off. wait.. what day is it.." Miran tossed back over and unlocked her phone, squinting her eyes at the bright light.
"February 26?!" Miran shot out of bed.
"Oh no, no, no, no, no! i can't be late for the entrance exams!" She rushed around her room, quickly getting ready.

The exam started at 8:40 AM. it was currently 8:00 AM. it takes Miran 10 minutes to get on the bus, and get to school. She had about half an hour to get ready.
As Miran zoomed around her room to get ready, her room door quickly opened.
"Miran.. what the hell are you doing making all this noise?" Miran's brother, Osama, barged in her room, rubbing his eyes.

"Osama! Just the guy i was hoping not to see this morning. I've got the U.A entrance exam today!" She zoomed past her brother to grab something to eat out of the kitchen.
Her eyes scanned the available options and she eventually settled on an apple to eat.

"Well could you not be so loud? You're going to wake up mom." Osamu followed her into the kitchen

"Yeah, yeah, now go away!" Miran ran back up the stairs to her room.

It was now 8:26 AM and Miran was out the door in no time. She was so excited that she began skipping down the street to her bus stop, receiving weird stares from the citizens passing by. Soon, her bus arrived and she stepped inside.
Miran peered out the window as she waited for her bus to reach the location.

She soon arrived and stepped out of the bus. She glanced up, her hand shielding the sunlight from her eyes, at the amazing U.A building.
Her eyes beamed of hope as a gleeful smile warmed her face.
she began making her way up the brick pathway to the U.A building, watching all the other people walk around her. Miran was a nervous to say the least. she quickly walked through the doors into U.A and wandered the hallways until she found a door with a sign next to it, stating, 'U.A. High School Hero Course Exam Orientation.'

Miran peered inside the doorway and saw plenty of other students sitting in a large auditorium. she assumed this was the right place, and stepped inside.
Miran looked around for a place to sit, eventually settling for a middle row seat, not next to anyone. However, after a bit of sitting, a  yellow haired boy, with a black streak in his hair, sat next to Miran.

"Hey, mind if i sit here with you? i kind of don't know anyone else here." The yellow haired boy spoke, giving a nervous laugh at the end of his sentence. Miran turned towards the boy.

"Um.. Yeah, go ahead." Miran said, in the friendliest manner possible.

"Nice, thanks. I'm Denki Kaminari by the way."
the boy attempted to have a conversation with her.
"My names Miran Mitsuko." Miran replied back, smiling.

"Nice to meet you Miran." Denki returned the smile. In that moment, the lights above Miran and Denki flicked on as the large screen in front of the two read, 'U.A.'

"I guess it's starting.." Miran whispered to herself.
Suddenly, a blonde haired man on the stage in front began speaking.

"What's up U.A. candidates, thanks for tuning in to me, your school dj!" The loud-speaking man turned around. "C'mon and let me hear ya!" He shouted towards the crowd.

Miran looked around her, realizing no one was saying anything. A few moments of an awkward silence surrounded everyone in the room.

The man spoke again, "Keeping it mellow, huh." Miran noticed him shaking a bit. "That's fine, i'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talking about how this practical exams gonna go down okay? Are you ready?!" The man yelled again, expecting a response from the crowd.
Once again, the crowd of students failed to reply, causing even more awkward silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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