Chapter 4: Diagon Alley

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Tuesday, August 31, 1993.
The last day of summer

We got back home a week ago, and it's the last day. Ron asked Molly if we could go to Diagon Alley to get wands and me a robe; Arthur saved some leftover galleons for us during Egypt. Of course, she said yes and here we are. "We" as in the entire family, including Scabbers who is Ron's pet rat from Percy before he became a prefect, but we split up and was given sixty Galleons and fifteen sickles.

The reason why Ron asked for a wand is because last year he took Arthurs car to Hogwarts with his friend, Harry Potter, and absolutely demolished it. It wasn't fun, I heard Molly's Howler to him and she was seething throughout the week. Arthur stayed home since he had no way to get to work and was then facing an inquiry. Her voice had echoed throughout the house when she screamed at the paper after telling me that if I heard her screaming, not to question it. It was self explanatory through the letter.

Anyways, how I've learned Harry's name was only during Egypt because Ron sent Harry a birthday card and Arthur told us he's staying at the Leaky Cauldron, whatever that is. Ron told me that me and Harry have many things in common. When I asked him what those "many things" is, his face went red and sheepishly told me has a scar and didn't go outside at all either, and that he is also quite famous.

Ron gave me a brief description of his backstory, not too much (surprisingly) but not too little.

"I also have another friend, Hermione. I think you will be fine with her. And remember, you can stay by me in case of anything else." Ron told me.

We walked down the brick walkway, going everywhere that Harry might have been while also getting us our things. We went to get our Monster Books, where the manager nearly sobbed when we asked for two, then went to Ollivanders Wand shop.

"You kids go on and get your wands," Molly said, giving Ron a nasty glare, "I will be out shopping with Ginny, your father's at the Leaky Cauldron but Harry isn't there right now, but we're staying tonight. Go on!" Molly said and ushered us inside. Ron went in first, and Ollivander greeted us.

"Why, you two look a bit old to be here, huh?" He said, flashing a smile towards Ron.

"I-I, uhm, broke my wand...last year." Ron told him, I followed close behind. Ollivander looked to me.

"Uhm, I'm just now starting, I'm with him." I said, patting Ron's shoulder. Ollivander looked at me like I was a rare artifact in a museum.

"My, my, Aliana Cooper? You look exactly like your father. I remember when your parents first came here. Your mother had an apple wood with a unicorn hair core, thirteen inches and brittle. Your father, a cherry wood with a phoenix core, ten inches and swishy. What a shame your parents lives have turned out to be after Hogwarts." Ollivander sighed.

Ron flinched at Ollivander's words.

"She doesn't know!" Ron shushed him, shaking his head furiously.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Weasley. Thought she would." Ollivander shrugged, turning around to see his wands to give to us.

Ron turned back to me, tightened his lips to form a straight line, and shook his head, motioning for me to not ask about it.

After some time, Ollivander came out with a wand.

"Here you are, Mr. Weasley. A willow wand with a unicorn hair core, fourteen inches and whippy." He said, he gave it to Ron and it was a perfect fit. Ollivander then waved me up and gave me a wand.

"Here you are, give it a wave." He said, inspecting it.

I waved my wand around and a slight breeze flew around me. My hair flew over my shoulders and lightly whipped around my face.

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