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Vihaan's POV

As I stood by the entrance, issuing orders to my secretary over the phone, my attention was abruptly drawn to the arrival of an unexpected guest.
It was her - Aarav's classmate, the one with the everlasting childish antics and irritating demeanor.
She sauntered in, dressed in a yellow crop t-shirt and blue denim, she sported those irritating specs, hiding her eyes from my view.

I couldn't help but wonder: what was she doing here? Nevertheless, I quickly brushed off the thought, my mind occupied with more pressing matters
As I made my way outside ,I overheard snippets of conversation between Dadi and Aarav about her staying.
As I prepared to leave, she waved in my direction, her voice barely registering with a polite "Hello, Mr. Singhania." I spared her a brief glance before continuing on my way, her existence barely registering in the grand scheme of my day.

(A/n:- Rude ass)

After a while

The day was hectic as usual and I just wanted to take a shower to calm my nerves and go to sleep.As I stepped into the room, exhaustion clung to every muscle. I saw a figure sleeping on the other side of the bed "must be aarav, seriously why can't he just sleep in his own room", I thought
I slipped into the bathroom, shedding the layers of the day along with my clothes.

Slipping into the shower, the warm water cascading down felt like a gentle embrace, removing the day's stress I had. Emerging from the shower, wrapping a towel around my torso I walk towards the closet,Pulling on fresh sweatpants, the soft fabric a welcome relief against my skin, I made my way to the bed.Climbing into bed, As I closed my eyes, I felt the weight of the day slowly melting away, replaced by the gentle embrace of sleep.

After sometime

I drifted in and out of sleep, barely aware of my surroundings. My arm reached out, searching for comfort, and found a warm, soft body next to me. Instinctively, I pulled the body closer by a firm grip on the waist, feeling the softness and heat radiating through the thin fabric of the shirt. The scent of sandalwood, mixed with the natural warmth of skin, filled my senses, making everything feel just right.

I nestled into the curve of the person's neck, inhaling deeply. The scent was intoxicating, a perfect blend of comfort and charm that made my heart beat a little faster. I could hear the soft rhythm of their breathing, steady and calm, syncing with my own. The world outside could wait; this was the only place I wanted to be. I closed my eyes again, letting the moment wash over me, savoring every second. I never wanted this moment to end.

But then, like a lightning strike, awareness flooded back. My eyes snapped open, and I realized what I was doing. Panic surged through me.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I muttered under my breath, my heart pounding in my chest. I yanked my arm back and scrambled out of bed, the abrupt movement jolting the person awake.

I looked closer, and to my shock, it was the same girl. The room was still dim, but the soft light revealed her familiar features, As her eyes fluttered open,she saw me and immediately screamed, the sound piercing the silence of the night.Panic surged through me. Before she could wake anyone else in the house, I quickly climbed back into the bed and placed a hand over her mouth to muffle her screams.
My heart pounded."Shhhh, you'll wake everyone," I whispered urgently, my voice barely a breath. Her eyes, wide with fear, stared back at me. For the first time, I noticed how beautiful they were-dark brown orbs that seemed even more striking without her usual glasses.

She muffled something against my hand, and I suddenly became acutely aware of how intimate our position was. Her soft breath against my skin, the warmth of her body so close to mine. Realizing the closeness. I quickly moved back, giving her space. She turned away, covering her eyes with her hands, she asked, "Mr. Singhania, aap yaha kya kar rahe hai?" (Mr. Singhania, what are you doing here?)

Her action hit me like a cold splash of water, and I looked down, realizing with a jolt that my upper body was fully exposed. Embarrassment and confusion coursed through me as I grabbed the edge of the blanket to cover myself. "Mein yahan kya kar raha hu? (What am I doing here?) Excuse me, but this is my room," I retorted.
She peeked through her fingers, disbelief etched on her face. "Your room?"

She looked around, confused. "No, the servant told me that this guest room was prepared for me," she confessed, looking baffled

"Can't you see this isn't a guest room? This is my room-my bed, my closet, my clothes," I snapped, irritation creeping into my voice.

"But-" she tried to explain, but I cut her off.

"And by the way, the guest room is to the left. The room straight ahead-you definitely misheard the servant," I retorted, feeling increasingly irritated by her presence.

Realization dawned on her, and she quickly got up from the bed, still covering her eyes. "It was a misunderstanding. Sorry," she mumbled, and ran through her way to the door in a hurry only to bang her forehead against the frame.

"Ouch," she whined before disappearing from my sight.

I stood there for a moment, trying to process the chaotic series of events that had just happened. The lingering scent of sandalwood and the memory of her dark brown eyes stayed with me as I finally closed the door, hoping this was the last of the night's surprises.

To be continued

Control Vihaan control🤭
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