The beginning 1.1

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Travis' POV:
-Eras tour in Kansas City-
I watch her from my seat, singing and dancing on that stage. She looks so beautiful, so free, so happy. I get this feeling in my chest that i've never had before.

As the show ends i walk over to the group of security guards i see and ask if i could give something to Taylor
" Sorry man, no one's allowed back there" they tell me
"Not even just for a second, i don't even need to see her, just wanted to leave something for her?"
I ask them, hoping that the small amount of fame i have compared to the woman they're protecting would get me somewhere.
"Nope, sorry we can't let ya"
I nod and don't push it anymore
"Thanks guys, no problem" I tell them
I walk out of the stadium and drive home, wishing i could've talked to her or at least left my bracelet.

-New Heights podcast-
"Speaking of Taylor Swift i know you went to the Taylor Swift concert, how was it?" Jason asked Travis

Travis goes on to say how he loved the show but left disappointed when he wasn't allowed to talk to her and leave a special friendship bracelet in her presence.

As the episode ended and was posted Travis started to see the large amount of people trying to get Taylor's attention for him, he knew it wouldn't work but... what if it does?

Around a week later Travis is just getting back from practice when he gets a text from an unknown number.

"Hi, i hear you've got something for me.. ;)"

To be continued...

Author: Hi!! i know it took me a while to get this first one out and i know it's short! I'm hoping this will get easier with time, but if you've got any requests or suggestions please let me know and i'll try them out!! 💋🩷

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