# 01

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"Are you going to get up for school or just listen to your alarm for 10 hours?" my dad says barging in to my room while looking at his watch.

I instantly wake up and turn off my alarm, "I don't want to go today, it's going to be so boring. plus i'm in my senior year i don't need to be showing up half of the time!" i say in my morning voice.

"That's not going to work with me, get your butt up and start getting ready. It's your first day with this new school so try to make a good impression please." my dad says. I close my eyes softly and lay back down as i hear his black leather shoes stomp away. I open my eyes again and stare at the ceiling for a few seconds until getting up.

I turn on the shower and start picking out what i'm going to wear for the day. half of my stuff hasn't been unpacked yet, so I had limited options. I lay down my outfit on my messed up bed and head in the shower. my shower routine is very important to me because I don't want to be musty or smell bad. I have different types of products for different types of days.

Once i'm done with my shower I put my robe on and start my morning routine. it's currently six am and I had to be at school at eight. I had plenty of time to do everything.

My dad always used to take me to school super early everyday because his work started early, which was annoying because i was always first at school no matter what. Now finally i can take my own car and go whenever I want. My dad is a lawyer, my mom passed away when I was little, since then it's just been me and my dad. This is our first time moving away from home, it was hard on the both of us but we had to for my dad's work.

it's always been me and him, he hasn't even dated anyone ever since. it's been hard for him but i've been trying to put him on some dates because he's still only 40. he's enjoyed a few but he still needs some tips on how to flirt or even start a conversation.

As I head towards my vanity i hear our front door close. I check the time, it was currently seven am. I gasp and quickly do my makeup. I cant believe i took a whole hour on something stupid. even though i rushed my makeup it still looked good. I quickly did my hair and headed downstairs. I wanted to meet up with my friend for some coffee before school.

I put some snacks in my bag before heading out the door. I get in my car and turn on some music. I get my friends address out and head over to her house.

Once i get to her house i text her saying im here. I see her walking out of her house. "Oh my goodness, I haven't seen you in so long, since like forever!" I say running up to her and giving her a hug.

"I've missed you so much. I'm so glad you moved here! Come on girl we have to catch up." Gianna says while getting into my car.

Gianna and I have been best friends since we were little kids. She had to move in 8th grade but we've been communicating ever since. Our parents known each other since high school. That's how we became so close. I hated her brother though, he was so annoying. I honestly forgot his name because I needed him out my life.

Once we get our coffee we head over to school. Gianna and I only have two classes together. We have art and english.

We walk in and put our stuff into our lockers. "I'll introduce you to my friend group during lunch, trust me they're funny. Oh and don't be so mean towards people. Try to make people to like you." She says.

"I'm literally nice, it's just my face." I say grabbing books out of my locker. "And plus, I have you so it's fine. But how am i going to make friends at 8:30 am? Everyone looks like they just rolled out of bed." I say turning to her.

"Still! It doesn't matter, make friends and get good grades!" She says.

"You sound like my dad." I say laughing while rolling my eyes. We both walk separate ways and I head over to my class. It wasn't too hard to find since it was close by. As I walk in I see everyone's pictures projected on the board. We have assigned seats on the first of school. As i look up i see i'm assigned to some guy who looks familiar. When i look at the last name my eyes widened.

That's Gianna's brother. Mattia Polibio, i hated him with my guts. I don't even think he matured but he was handsome. At least our seats were all the way in the back. I turn around and head over to my seat.

I set my books on my desk and lay out everything i needed. As i look up I see Mattia walk in with some of his friends. As he turns around he has a confused look on his face. I can feel his eyes on me. I hear him chuckle. He walks over and sits down.

"What made you move here?" He asks without even looking at me.

"So not even a hi or hello?" I ask. "To answer your question, I didn't even want to but i had to. My dad started his new job here" I try not to look at him because he actually makes me really pissed off.

He laughs at my comment. "Hi Rosie." he says. "I see you haven't changed one bit."

"I told you to stop calling me that dumbass name." I say.

"Rosie come on, why are you cussing in the morning, hm?" He asks looking at me.

Before I could say anything I get interrupted by the teacher.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Mr.Hoge. I brought some donuts and bagels for everyone since it's everyone's first day." He says smiling.

Mattia gets out of his seat as quick as he can. I mumble "fatass." I get in line, the line is super long because there's a bunch of student in here. Before i could even reach my phone i feel someone tapping on my shoulder.

"Hi, what's your name? I've never seen you here before." she asks.

"Oh, i'm new i just moved here a couple of days ago. My name is Rosalia." I say smiling. "What's yours?"

"My name is Martina, nice to meet to you. It probably sucks moving for your senior year. You probably made tons of friends and then you had to move." She says trying to make small talk.

"Yeah but it's okay, my best friend actually moved here a long time ago so i get to spend time with her now." I say.

"Oh what's her name?" She asks.

"Oh her name is Gianna. I've known her since we were babies actually." I reply.

"Oh yeah I know her. Her brother is the complete opposite of her though." She says.

"Yeah, tell me about it. Do people even like him here?" I ask laughing.

"Oh girl, he's so annoying. He thinks he is the shit but honestly he really isn't. I hate him as well but once you get to know him he's pretty chill. I'm one of his closest friends now." she says smiling.

"Oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to be rude or anything. I've just known him for a very long time and he's just annoying." I say.

"You're all good, yeah he is annoying though. What's your instagram?" She asks. I type it into her phone and we exchange smiles. I turn back around and the line is still pretty long.

I grab my bagel and head back to my desk. I see Mattia with 2 bagels and 1 donut. Before I could even eat my bagel i get a text from my dad.

"We are having dinner with the polibios tonight. It's going to be fancy so please dress appropriately."


author: I hope you guys like it so far. I'll try to update as soon as I can. 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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