He will never like me part 7

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Sophie couldn't shake off the image of Jack kissing another woman. It played on a loop in her mind, each repetition deepening the wound in her heart. She wasn't sure why it hurt so much. After all, they weren't together. But the sting of betrayal lingered nonetheless.

It wasn't just the act itself that hurt Sophie; it was the realization that she had hoped for something more with Jack. She had convinced herself that their bond was special, that maybe there was something beyond their professional relationship. Seeing him with someone else shattered that illusion.

As she replayed the scene in her mind, Sophie's emotions swirled like a tempest. Anger, sadness, and a profound sense of disappointment battled for dominance. She felt foolish for allowing herself to believe in something that was never there. How could she have been so blind?

But amidst the pain, Sophie found a sliver of clarity. Perhaps this was a wake-up call—a reminder to focus on herself and her happiness. She couldn't force Jack to reciprocate her feelings, nor could she dwell on what could have been. It was time to let go of the fantasy and embrace reality.

After Sophie confided in Emily about her encounter with Jack, Emily's initial reaction was unexpected. As they walked into the office together, Emily couldn't contain her laughter, though it was tinged with a hint of concern.

"You should've seen your face, Soph!" Emily chuckled, nudging Sophie playfully. "I mean, what were you even thinking? Jack, really?"

Sophie, lost in her thoughts, didn't respond immediately. Her brows were furrowed, her expression distant as she replayed the encounter in her mind. It was this absorbed demeanor that prompted Emily's laughter, masking her genuine worry for her friend.

"Soph," Emily said, her tone softening as they reached their desks, "remember how crushed you were when he turned you down in high school? I don't want to see you go through that again."

There was a sincerity in Emily's voice, a depth of feeling beneath the laughter. She placed a comforting hand on Sophie's shoulder, offering her support in her own unique way.

"I love you, you know," Emily continued, her voice tinged with empathy. "You're my best friend, and I hate seeing you like this. But you have to realize, Jack can kiss whoever he wants. It's not worth getting worked up over."

Sophie nodded, a mixture of gratitude and resignation in her eyes. She knew Emily meant well, even if her words stung a little. In her own way, Emily was trying to protect her, to shield her from potential heartache.

"Thanks, Em," Sophie murmured, offering her friend a small smile. "I appreciate you looking out for me, even if it's tough love."

Emily returned the smile, her eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions. She may have laughed, but beneath the laughter was a deep bond of friendship, a connection that transcended words.

Daniel approached Sophie's desk, his usual warm smile replaced by a concerned furrow in his brow. "Hey, Sophie," he began tentatively, "what about the dinner we talked about earlier?"

Sophie, already feeling overwhelmed by the events of the day, shot Daniel a tired look. "Not now, Daniel," she replied curtly, her voice lacking its usual warmth.

Daniel, sensing Sophie's agitation, took a step back, his concern deepening. "Sure, no problem," he muttered, his disappointment evident. With a resigned nod, he returned to his own desk, leaving Sophie to grapple with her emotions in solitude.

As Sophie tried to refocus on her work, her phone buzzed with a new message. It was from James, her ex-boyfriend, apologizing for his absence the last time they were supposed to meet. Sophie's heart sank at the sight of his name, her emotions thrown into further turmoil.

Amidst the chaos of her personal life, Sophie found herself grappling with a hectic workload at the office. Client meetings, deadlines, and endless emails consumed her days, leaving little time for respite. Despite her best efforts to stay focused, her mind often wandered back to the events of the past few days, casting a shadow over her professional endeavors.

During a particularly intense client meeting, Sophie struggled to maintain her composure. As her client presented their demands, Sophie's thoughts drifted, her mind replaying the image of Jack and the mysterious woman locked in an intimate embrace. She forced herself to concentrate, pushing aside her personal turmoil to address the pressing matters at hand.

After the meeting concluded, Sophie retreated to her office, seeking solace in the familiarity of her workspace. As she sifted through emails and drafted reports, she couldn't shake the nagging feeling of unease that lingered in the back of her mind. The events of the day had taken their toll, leaving her drained both physically and emotionally.

Just as Sophie began to contemplate calling it a day, her phone rang, disrupting her thoughts. It was Daniel, the vice CEO, calling to check in on her progress. Despite her exhaustion, Sophie mustered a polite response, assuring Daniel that everything was under control. She couldn't bear to burden him with her personal struggles, choosing instead to soldier on in silence.

As Sophie prepared to leave the office, a sudden commotion erupted in the hallway, drawing her attention. Curious, she ventured out of her office to investigate, only to be met with a scene that left her stunned

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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