We Meet Again Part 2

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Sophie walked out of the client's house with mixed emotions. On one hand, she was happy that she had found the perfect home for her client, but on the other hand, she couldn't believe that she had just met Jack again after all these years she knew it was silly to still have feelings for someone she hadn't seen in ten years, but there was something about Jack that still had a hold on her. Maybe it was the way his green eyes sparkled in the sunlight or the dimple that appeared on his left cheek when he smiled. Whatever it was, she couldn't shake the feeling that was the guy who broke her heart.

Deciding to call her best friend Emily to share the news of her encounter with Jack, Sophie took out her phone and dialed her number. However, there was no answer, so she left a voicemail and headed back to work. As she walked through the door, Emily rushed over to her with an urgent look on her face.

"Sophie, I have news," Emily said breathlessly.

Sophie smiled, "I do too.

But before they could exchange any more details, their boss Daniel emerged from his office and announced that the company's boss is coming in a few hours. I want everyone on their best behavior," he announced before heading back into his office.

The whole office buzzed with excitement, wondering who the mysterious boss could be. Sophie and Emily exchanged a glance before Emily asked, "So what did you want to tell me earlier?"

Emily and Sophie were interrupted by Daniel calling Sophie over to his office.

"Sophie, how did the house visit go?" he asked, his brow furrowed in concern.

Sophie was surprised by his question but replied, "It went well, the client was interested in the property."

Daniel nodded, "Good, good. I need you to give me the details of the visit so I can include them in my report to the boss."

Sophie felt a bit flustered by the sudden attention from her boss. She wasn't used to being singled out like this. She quickly gave him all the details she could remember about the house visit, hoping it would be enough.

As soon as she finished, Daniel dismissed her and she headed back to her desk to continue working. Emily was waiting for her, looking excited.

"What did you want to tell me earlier?" Sophie asked, feeling a bit curious now.

"I got a promotion!" Emily exclaimed. "I'm going to be working in the marketing department from next month!"

Sophie was genuinely happy for her friend, but her mind was still on Jack. "That's great, Em," she said with a smile, "but I have something to tell you too."

Emily's smile faded slightly. "What is it?" she asked, sensing that something was wrong.

Sophie hesitated for a moment before finally telling her friend about her chance encounter with Jack. He didn't recognize me, but I recognized him

Emily's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That's incredible! Did you talk to him?"

Sophie shook her head. "No, I didn't want to make things awkward. Plus, he's probably moved on by now. It's been ten years."Emily put a comforting hand on her shoulder, Sophie smiled weakly, feeling a bit better.

As the hours ticked by, the office became tenser and tenser. Everyone was on edge, wondering when the boss would arrive and what their visit would mean for the company. Sophie couldn't focus on her work and found herself constantly checking the clock.

Finally, the moment arrived. The boos walked in and everyone in the office stood up to greet them. But as Sophie caught a glimpse of his face, her heart sank. It was Jack.

She couldn't believe it. After ten years of not seeing each other, he was the boss of her company.

As soon as Jack saw Sophie at the office, he recognized her. She was the girl who he meet at the visit house a few hours ago. Sophie was so excited to see Jack, but she couldn't tell if he recognized her. She decided to wait for him to initiate the conversation.

Jack walked over to Sophie with a huge smile on his face. "Hey, you're the girls I saw at the house visit, right? It's great to see you again!" he said, extending his hand for a shake.

Sophie's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't believe that he remembered her. "Yes, that's me!" she replied, shaking his hand.

As they were talking, Danielle interrupted them. "Hey, guys, I have an announcement to make. This is Jack Cheyne, the new boss of the company. Please show him the respect he deserves. And, if you all have nothing else to do, you may go home now," he said, before going back to his office.

Everyone rushed to leave the office, but Jack and Daniele stay to talk. They went into his office to talk As the meeting came to a close, Jack turned to Danielle and asked, "Who was that girl you mentioned earlier, Sophie? 

"That was Sophie Johnson, one of our newest employees," Danielle replied. "She's been doing an amazing job so far."She works with us in the house location department.

ok, Jack replied Jack I think we're done I need to go bay.

After leaving the office, Sophie felt a mix of excitement and confusion. She couldn't believe she had met her high school crush twice in a day, As she walked towards her apartment, her mind was filled with thoughts of him. She couldn't help but wonder if he was still as charming and handsome as he was in high school. Once she arrived home, Sophie immediately went to take a shower, hoping the warm water would clear her head. 

As she stood under the water, she couldn't help but replay the events of the day in her head. She still couldn't believe that Jack didn't recognize her. She had changed a lot since high school, but she never thought she looked so different that he wouldn't recognize her. 

 After her shower, Sophie sat down on her couch and picked up her phone. She decided to search for Jack on social media, hoping to find out more about him. As she scrolled through his Facebook and Instagram profiles, she couldn't help but notice how much he had changed too. He looked more mature and refined, with a hint of ruggedness that made him even more attractive. 

She felt a flicker of hope when she saw that he was single. Sophie closed her phone, feeling a bit silly for getting lost in her thoughts about Jack. She knew she shouldn't get too caught up in it - after all, he was her teenage crush, and it had been years since they had even seen each other. 

After she put her phone away, Sophie took a deep breath and decided to focus on getting some sleep. She had an early morning ahead of her, and she didn't want to be too tired to give her all at work.

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