Eighth Episode

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Author pov :

As soon as you looked up you felt your eyes got stucked at the man in front of you who was caging your petite body around his muscular arms, you gulped as the closeness because never ever you were this close to any man, you could feel a sly smirk on his lips and grace in his aura, his big palms were resting on your waist and his thumbs were kept caressing there.... He smile with amuse and open his mouth slightly for a chuckle which sounded so deep and racpy... Pulling you more closer to himself he made your breath hitched and automatically your hands gripped his biceps tightly in order not to fall,

 Pulling you more closer to himself he made your breath hitched and automatically your hands gripped his biceps tightly in order not to fall,

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" That's it... That's how I want you to get lost into my orbs, honeybee "....

He mumble in his deep voice making you gulped and you tried to move back from him but could not able to that as he started moving his body slowly along with you... You closed your eyes and released a hard breath before clutching on his shoulder and started dancing on the slow jazz music, you were looking on his shoulder but you could feel his gaze at you without stopping, he moved his one palm from your waist and slided it upward making you tremble by the touch, you looked up at him trying to give him a warning not to do but he just raised his one eyebrows with a victory smile, his hand came in contact with your head which he slowly cupped from behind in his big palm , and drove a pattern on your ear with his thumb....

" Mr Kim what are you doing? It*******"

" Taehyung.... It's Taehyung my sweet heart "

Hearing that you immediately stopped whatever you were saying and he traced his hand on you bare arms before holding your palm and turned you around, now your back was against his hard chest, you gulped feeling his heart beat, his one hand wrapped around your waist while the other one still holding your hand in air...

You look around for a glimpse of Jungkook and saw him having fun with his friend while holding his wife in his arms, he really doesn't care whether you  are safe or not... A bitter feeling again came in your heart seeing his hands around your ex best friend's waist, he surely care for her and by seeing the way he is taking care of her you can feel it's never gonna happen with you.... But your chain of thought broke when you felt a hot mint breath hitting on your neck and ear...

" What took your mind away from me ... Hmmm "

He softly brushed his nose and lips on your ear making you close your eyes while clutching on his hand which was on your waist.

Your eyeballs popped out when the music changed and he spined  you around making your body leaned on his and the way his mog scent hit your nostril you felt like loosing yourself.... Your head was on his shoulder and both of you and his legs were moving with the beat....

" may I know your sweet name or should I call you MINE ? "

Your eyes got bigger hearing his cheesy line while he pressed his lips in a thin line, you both chuckle at his words .

HIS TWO WIVES  ( JUNGKOOK  X READER  ) Where stories live. Discover now