Episode Twenty Six

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" the moment I see my reflection in your eyes the world fades away as if I have stepped into another realm--where time stops,  distraction run away and nothing surrounds me but love"

~Anubhav Sharma

Author pov :

Jungkook opened his eyes feeling a tight sting pain all over his body and neck,  he look around and noticed that he was still in hospital and was sleeping on the wooden chair, a sigh left from his mouth before he cracked his neck ....he gulped when his mind went towards you who was few feet away from him inside the emergency room ,...

Jungkook stood up ,anyone could say that a lot of things is going on in his life , his mind his messed up ,feelings is already crashed down under his own luck or deed ,a tear left from his eyes and his palm slightly covered his mouth to prevent himself from bursting his emotions again, he walked in the hallway feeling uneven...

He gulped taking his steps towards the ward in which you were kept, he looked at your laying figure with his longing eyes, he can see your pale face and a hint of pain caused his heart beat raise making it feel against his chest.

He closed his eyes couldn't able to look at your condition, his ears were craving for your voice , but after hearing whatever Doctors said some hours ago he afraid what if he will never able to hear your voice,  a wind crossed his body making it shiver cause of fear of loosing you  , his mother and other already left cause it's almost 24 hours since they were here ,he doesn't wanted to make them worried even though they were not ready to leave.

Jungkook stood beside the door while leaning his head on the wall , anger rushed inside his nerves while blaming himself for your condition, his palm fisted in anger, frustration took over his mind and to control it he started banging his own head on the wall , the thick sound of something banging echoed in the silent corridor of hospital.

He burst into cry while covering his face and his weak body slided down on the ground,  he lost his unborn baby and now was on edge of loosing you, his sense was not ready to accept any lose .

" I don't....don't want to loose you , please baby don't leave me,  I promise love I will be best husband, I will try to control over my anger, just don't leave your Jungkook like this he will die without you "

He mumble between his cry and wiped his tears with his shirt sleeves which was already soaked with his old dry tears ...

On the other hand  :

Taehyung fisted his palm tightly ,his jaw was tighten in anger, the veins were popping out over his forehead cause of extreme anger, he was standing inside the your building's control room with Seoul police and his eyes were stuck on the screen presented in front of him .

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