Tenth Episode

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Author pov :

After sitting on the driver seat Taehyung turned towards you who was looking outside through the car window, he cough before asking.

" Where is your destination sweetheart ? "

Hearing his question you turned towards him who had a small smile on his l!ps and his body was leaning towards your, you gulped looking into his eyes and said tilting your head other side.

" Jeon industries "

Hearing that Taehyung frown his eyebrows and looked at you for a moment before starting the car and asked....

" May I know what my lady need there.... "

Hearing him you smile little and looked at him who was already staring at you with smile while driving.....

" Just some personal matter, and I don't think so you need to know Mr Kim "

Taehyung smile while turning his head towards the road and said while turning the wheel...

" At least I should know your pretty name... "

You sigh hearing that and placed your side head on the window mirror before replying.

" Calling me by one specific name doesn't give me any identity, I never had any single right on my life decision, no one asked me about my opinion so why my name mater this much KIM? "

Hearing that he looked at you for a moment and gulped seeing your lost expression while looking at the road, he pressed his lips together trying to collect some words to say but didn't know what should he say, he doesn't know anything about you so giving any advise at this moment would be the least favourite thing he could do....

" Pretty girls don't look pretty while over thinking, "

You chuckle hearing it and turned your head towards him who was driving and his perfect side profile was in your view..

" So you mean not so much pretty girl should over think? "

Taehyung smile and shook his head while sucking his bottom lips, he put his one arm on car widow and was driving with one hand,....

" Naa my Lady I never said that , you know all woman are so pretty except one.... "

You squeeze your eyes hearing that and asked with smile...

" Why except one..? "

He stopped the car seeing red light and pushed his hair back with his both palm, he had always a soft smile on his lips which always made you curious why this smile? Does his life is going that smoothly? ...

" You know honeybee there was girl in my school time, she was pretty from outside but you know she used to bully me, and even ate all my lunch... She used to put chewing gum on my seat and whenever I used to sit there it would stick on pant.. ? "

You giggle hearing that and hide your mouth with your palm, Taehyung looked at your laughing figure with heart in his eyes and his heart skipped seeing you laughing for the first time, gosh he always used to hear in movies that your favourite person's laugh can cure your disease too and now he feels like it is turning true... But wait what does  he mean by favourite person...

Taehyung was lost into your giggles but came back on earth when he heard car horns and it took him a second before realising that the traffic light turned green, he slapped himself in his mind before starting the car,

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