Chapter 1

337 22 16

Time: 10:40 AM
Location: Japan
Status: Normal

Max HP - 200
Max Energy Shield - 300

Diff - Heaven or Hell

Weapon - Storm

Hes taking a break with all of the adventures and start living this place temporarily just to keep remember the original world from where he came from before he started the adventure. 

Kayden: *yawn*

Kayden was drinking iced coffee macchiato alone as usual introvert life. it was peaceful, alot of people that I barely know passing by are nice as usual even one of the elderly. but one day his average normal life re-experience is already over in an instant.

Kayden: what?

He encounter a Humanoid form of a ladybug like female, surrounded by couple of human corpse.

Kayden: Ya serious right now?

The Black dots are eyes and looks at Kayden with a growl, thirst for human food. until suddenly multiple cut into pieces as Kayden was already beside it and sheath his blade, disappearing on his hand turn into a Ice Coffee Macchiato.

Kayden: Man, I thought this place was just a normal world, but okay? Not Normal can be Normal to me, either way, I was expecting I would bored here. hmm.

Kayden look at his hand, or atleast, no sign of aging.

Is it Because his body is Virtual?

So He spend couple of years staying here, killing devils every single time until he met someone.

A Girl with Red hair, taller than him ofc course and she wears a black suit with 2 bodyguards. seeing Kayden covered in blood after killing an Beetle Demon in abandoned Farm House.

Kayden Sheath his Katana as he look at them full of concern and he felt a scary aura from that woman.

Kayden: I don't like this woman.

ID Name: 💀Makima💀

Makima: You smell different from any other humans

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Makima: You smell different from any other humans. Is this your hobby?

Kayden: What? You consider me from this thing?

He points at the dead Beetle Devil.

Makima: No, You're not from around here, am I Right?

Kayden: uh... yeah.. Name's Kayden Freeman...

Makima: Ara. Sorry for the late of Introductions. Call me Makima, I'm a devil hunter from the Public Safety Bureau. I came here to kill a Beetle Devil that spread chaos around the farm. but it seems You got us ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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