Relating with royalty

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CHAPTER 2: Relating with royalty

The night had come in PokéPark and everyone was at home to go to sleep. The only Pokémon that was walking around Cove Town was Oshawott, who had a black bow tie under his head. Before going outside, he came back to the lighthouse and his tutor said to him about what have to do when he was going to meet the queen and her servants. He had to keep calm, be respectful and polite all the time and try to be as formal as possible. Samurott finally gave him a bow tie to make him more presentable at sight. He was going to do his best to go down well with the others.

He arrived to the intersection where the paths to the different areas were, and Krookodile was there watching over. When he came closer, he said:

"Good evening, Oshawott:"

"Good evening, Krookodile."

"What are you doing at this time of night?"

"I want to go to the Arbor Area to go with Queen Serperior."

"I see, so you're going on a date with the princess Snivy, right?"

"It's not a date, it'll just be a sleepover so that we understand better with each other."

"Uh-huh, I believe you. Cute bow tie, by the way. It combines very well with your eyes."

"Thanks, I have to be presentable if I want to meet the royal family of the Arbor Area. Can you let me pass, please?"

"Of course."

He later opened the entrance to go to the Arbor Area.

"Have a very good time on you da... I mean, sleepover."

"Thank you so much, Goodbye."


Oshawott finally passed walking to the Arbor Area. Krookodile couldn't help feeling pleasant by seeing how a romance started. He remembered like how he met Audino. Anyway, he hoped that everything would turn out as expected to Oshawott. The water type Pokémon continued walking through Windmill Way, the ambiance was relaxing and quiet, very nice. There was no Pokémon around, but the calmness was interrupted with the arrival of the Bisharp patrol with the Pawniard.

"Stop there! Who are you?!"

"Good evening, Bisharp and Pawniard. I'm Oshawott."

"And what have you come here?"

"I've come to have a sleepover with princess Snivy."

"Sleepover... sleepover... Ah, right! I remember now! She told me personally that I let you pass when the night came. As she thinks you aren't a threat to the princess Snivy and Queen Serperior, I'll let you enter."

"Thanks a lot."

"Have a good night."

The Sea Otter Pokémon went walking calmly until he reached the Verdant Court. The relaxing sound of the waterfall could be heard. He continued walking until arrived at the chamber where Queen Serperior usually was, but he had to bump into her servants: Lilligant and Leavanny. He greeted them cordially with a formal tune:

"Good evening, miladies."

"Good evening, Oshawott." They said at the same time

"So you've come here to have a date... I mean, sleepover wit princess Snivy, haven't you?" Leavanny spoke.

"Yes, a sleepover with her. Remember that we do this so that we understand each other better. Always keep it in mind, please."

"As you say," Lilligant said.

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