Rush Adventure Arc: Episode 6

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Where we last left off, our heroes traversed the seas and arrived st the Haunted Ship, a graveyard for ships that have disappeared and been reduced to decayed and broken wrecks. After giving Marine a pep talk about her fear of ghosts, the crew landed and investigated. Though they weren't alone as some of Captain Whisker's robots were there. Through the their cooperation and skills, the crew was able to explore more of the wreckage.

Speaking of Captain Whisker, they confronted him and attempted to retrieve back the Jeweled Scepter. However, the slippery pirate escaped and commanded the Ghost Pirate to fight the crew. After a battle of wits and teamwork, the hunter, hedgehog and feline were able to defeat the giant mecha. Marine suggested to go after them, but Blaze denied saying that the waters ahead are too rough for the Ocean Tornado to handle with the ice flows and floating obstacles up ahead.

For now, they return to Southern Island and think of a new strategy. The adventure continues....

Third Person P.O.V

Killua, Sonic, Tails, Blaze and Marine have finally returned to Southern Island after their scuffle with Captain Whisker at the Ghost Ship. Though they were lucky to come out on top, they failed to capture the robot pirate and get back the Jeweled Scepter. Now it was only a matter of time before they chart a new course. For now, the quintet are focused on building a new hovercraft to get them across the rough waters ahead.

Gathering all the necessary materials, they all got to work immediately. After many hours of fine tuning and tests, their new mode of transportation was made, dubbed the Aqua Blast.

 After many hours of fine tuning and tests, their new mode of transportation was made, dubbed the Aqua Blast

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Seeing their work done, the crew smiled and congratulated each other. They boarded the new docking bay to discuss their plan of action. Marine looked around as she jumped in excitement.

Marine: "Yay! The hovercraft's done!"

"And we all did it together. Great work you guys!" Killua smiled.

Sonic: "Hehe, it was nothing."

Tails: "Happy to help!"

Blaze: "Most impressive. This will allow us to expand our range of activities. However, don't you think we should leave this one behind?" She motioned her eyes to the racoon girl.

Marine: "Huh? Which one?" She asked obliviously.

"Umm... What Blaze meant is that you should sit this one out."

Marine: "What?! No way!"

Blaze: "With a wider range, our conflicts with pirates will intensify. It would be best if-" She continued before she was abruptly cut of by an upset Marine.

Marine: "NO! No no no no no!"

"Marine! Chill out for a second! We're trying to be reasonable here!"

Marine: "I'm going too! No matter what! My adventures have just started! They can't end here! I still need to see new things and explore new challenges and overcome them! I want adventure! I NEED adventure!" She shouted startling everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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