Chapter One- A Visit From Edith

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The year was 1901 and it was on the twentieth day of March in the very heart of New Orleans, Louisiana. The Union Terminal train station on South Rampart Street is bustling as usual. On one of the platforms stood a man in his fifties and a beautiful young blond woman in her eighteenth year. She is petite and dainty and donned a lavender day dress with a matching hat with white roses attached and a parasol. She has a very fair complexion, baby blue eyes, and light blonde hair in a tight bun. The man, on the other hand, has a bit of a heavier build. He wore a light brown suit with a matching top hat. He has brown eyes, some gray hair, and stubble on his face. This was Elizabeth Dewitt-Tremaine and her father, John Dewitt-Tremaine.

They are awaiting the arrival of their relative, who is none other than the renowned paranormal romance author, Edith Cushing. Edith is Elizabeth's cousin and John's niece, the daughter of his brother-in-law, Carter Cushing. Since childhood, Elizabeth and Edith were best friends, as if they were sisters. Elizabeth always looked forward to Edith coming from Buffalo to New Orleans for her monthly visit. Whenever they aren't together, they keep in touch by exchanging hand-written letters.

"I hope Edith's train comes soon. The anticipation is killing me, Daddy." Elizabeth as she fanned herself with her fan, breathing a bit fast, nervous. "It will, sweetheart. I'm sure it'll be just fine." John reassured his daughter. Soon, as promised, Edith's train finally arrived at the platform.

Just as soon as the train stopped right at the platform, a crowd of passengers scrambled to get off. Among the crowd, there came a young woman carrying some luggage. She dressed similarly to Elizabeth only in a light bronze color. She appears to be in her early twenties. The woman is none other than Edith Cushing herself.

Elizabeth saw Edith who just arrived on the platform and waved to draw her attention, "Edith! We're over here!" Edith then turned her notice to her beloved cousin and uncle. She smiled warmly at them. "Elizabeth! Uncle John!" As Edith set down her luggage for a moment, Elizabeth approached her with open arms and hugged her warmly. "I'm so happy to see you again," said Elizabeth. Edith replied, "I know, cousin. I am, too." The two women pulled away. Elizabeth helped Edith carry her luggage as they walked toward John.

Edith greeted her uncle, "Hi, Uncle John." "Hi there, Edith. How was your trip?" Edith answered with a smiling sigh, "Exhausting, but it was certainly worth the while." John saw that everything is in order now that his niece had arrived. "Well, let's go home and get you settled, shall we then?"

Then, soon enough, the three took a mule carriage to the Edgar Degas house, located only 11 blocks away from the French Quarter which is where the Dewitt-Tremaine family resided for a few generations. Elizabeth and John helped Edith unload her baggage before they went inside and showed her to her bedroom, conveniently located next door to Elizabeth's room. The two women are now helping each other unpack Edith's belongings. Elizabeth handed Edith her dresses to be put in the closet. "I'm so glad you came when you did. You have no idea how much I missed you." She then sat on Edith's bed before she continued, "It felt like ages since the last monthly visit."

Edith replied as she put her dresses in the closet, "I know, I never wanted to go back to Buffalo, but I'm afraid I didn't have a choice." Then she sat on the bed next to Elizabeth and saw her looking at what appeared to be a book that was currently in the process of being written. "What are you doing?" Elizabeth quickly closed the book and gave a coy but innocent smile as she replied, "Nothing." Edith raised her eyebrow with a similar smirk, "Don't give me that nonsense, Elizabeth. I saw that in your hand."

She then took the book from her curious cousin's hand, "That's my new story I just started working on. I thought I'd bring it with me to write while I'm in New Orleans." "Oh? What is it about, if I may ask?" inquired Elizabeth. "Well, if I tell you, you promise not to tell anyone?" I don't want any attention to anything I have a work in progress for." Elizabeth nodded and made a crossing motion on her heart. "Cross my heart." Edith smiled, "Good. This story for my upcoming novel is about a young woman who lives in New Orleans, like yourself, who eventually learned the horrific secret of her lover's past in a haunted mansion in a bayou just outside the city."

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