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"come on, gabriella! drink!" my friend yezi yelled on top of the very loud music. i barely heard her but i still shook my head. she looked serious. she then put the cup up to my lips and made me drink the whole thing, spilling some on my shirt. i looked down at my shirt trying to wipe the stain away.

she then took her hand back and smiled. she then went back to dancing in the croud. after a few minutes i tried to stand up to get yezi and i out of here but i immediatly got dizzy. i hurried and sat back down so i wouldnt fall. god, what did yezi put in my drink. i then felt as if someone was starying at me. i looked everywhere and i saw two guys staring.

soon after staring at me the guys came up to me and sat down. "whats a pretty lady doing all by herself?" 

"im not by myself... im with a friend." i said staring at yezi. she was dancing on someone. damn... she's totally drunk. one of the guys laughed and i looked down. i then started to stand up again as i was feeling uncomfortable. i then started to feel heavy and my vision started to get blurry. one of the guys pulled me back down onto the chair. i felt like i was going to fall right out of the chair.

"lookes like your friend is having fun." i got sick and tired of the guys so i got up feeling weightless at the moment. both of the guys grabbed my arms but i pushed them away. my vision was very blury like i couldnt see anything. i couldnt see any faces clear all i could tell was color. i went opver to who i thought was yezi. i tapped her shoulder.

"yezi... i think." i swallowed hard. "we should go." i finished. she then pushed me away and i tried to walk out but i fell. i then hurried and got up and walked carefully out the door before anyone could find me.

as i was walking i bumped into someone. i couldnt see his face or anything. i then blacked out. i didnt remember anything after that.

i then woke up. i had a massive headache and my body hurted all over. i then looked around. i wasnt home. i then noticed that i wasnt wearing any clothes. no, no, no. i sat up immediatly and looked around. the place looked super fancy. i looked next to me and saw someone i wouldnt even dare get close to. hwang hyunjin. i then saw him move around. i panicked. what if he sees me.

he then stopped. i sighed. i then slowly go off the bed and grabbed my clothes. i hurried and put them on and looked around for an exit. i then spotted a balcony. yes. i ran over there and looked down. it wasnt a high drop. i then dropped down. "Ah!" i yelled out. i hurried to cover my mouth.

i looked to see if anyone was with me. there was no one. i hurried and ran to my house. i got to my house out of breath. i opened the door only to see my sister, zoey standing in the middle of the room staring at me.

"where were you? i was worried sick." i took a moment to answer.

"i was with yezi. i had to be with her so i could take her home." zoey then scoffed. she then took out her phone.

"yezi said she had lost you at the club." she said going through her phone and showing me the text between her and yezi. i stood there not talking. "so... where were you?" she got closer to me. i then explained everything to her. she was in disbelief.

"do you know who it was?" i did. thats what i wanted to say. but instead i just shook my head no. she sighed. "well.. do you think you might be pregnant?"

i raised my shoulders saying nothing. "well what if you are, hm?" she said i had tears in my eyes.

"i would keep it." i looked up at her.

A/N: hey this is very cringe but i hope you like it. i might edit this when its done.

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