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"sir about the child you were looking for we finally found him."my assisten said. i looked at her and she started to flip throught papers. "his name is sam." she showed me a picture. he looked exactly like the boy i saw. he was my son and she has him. i grabbed the binder and looked through the papers.

he lives with his aunt and his mother. he also goes to yosang elementary and he is 5 years old. "but sir, why did you want to know about this child?" 

"you dont have to know." i said leaning back into my chair looking out the huge window in front of me. im going to get my son. 

gabriella's POV

i was now walking towards sam's school. as i was walking i started to think about the fun day me and sam were going to have. i thought about how sam would be at the park playing while eating ice cream. today would be a good day. as i was looking for sam i saw him. talking to a man. i ran up to sam. i spacifically taught him  not to talk to strangers. 

"sam! what did i tell you about talking to strangers?"  i said giving sam a glare. i then started to pull sam but he didnt move.

"but mommy he said he will take me to my dad." sam said smiing. i stopped. what? i looked at the man. he was the man from yesterday. hyunjin's driver. he had his hands on his back and he looked at me and smiled. he then bowed. 

"yes ma'am. the child is right. im not trying to harm him ma'am." i tightened my grip on sam's hand. 

"im afraid i cant do that sir." the the man looked behind us. then i looked. tall men were standing behind us. they then dragged us into a limo. i tried to get out of the guy's grip but it wasnt working. we then were forcefully in the limo. the driver then got into the limo and looked at me.

"im so sorry for forcing you into the limo but sir had me do this." he had a slight smile on his lips. he then started the car and during the while ride i held sam's hand. we finally arrived at the mansion. i just staired at it in awe until the driver got out and opened the door for us. sam got out first and then i got out next. 

"mommy." sam then looked up at me. i could tell he was scared. i then gave him a reasuring smile. 

"everything will be okay sammie." i said reasuringly. sam then dodded dispite i called him by his nickname. as we walked in there were maids who led us towards 2 chouches. they both were oposite from each other. me and sam sat at one of the couches. then there he was. just walking towards the couch. i started to get nervous. hyunjin was sitting in front of me and sam. he then set down papers on the table that was right in between the two couches. i looked at him. 

"are you really my dad?" sam asked while i just grabbed the papers looking through them. there were signatures that he had already signed while there was a part for my side. 

"whats this?" i asked. looking through the paper in disbelief. 

"those are the papers about sam living with me and you cant see him without my permission bla bla." i looked at him. i then smiled. he didnt look like he was joking so my smile faded.

"your joking. right?" i then started to read the documant fast and what he said was true. i couldnt see him even if i could i actually couldnt. my eyes started to water. for the past 5 years he didnt even speak of his son or try to look for him. hyunjin then looked over towards sam. 

"yes im your father." sam's eyes then widened and he smiled. he then looked at me. his smile went away as he saw tears streaming down my eyes. i scoffed. 

"im not going for this." i said looking at him with hatred in my eyes. he laughed.

" he isnt just your son you know? so i suggest you sign those." he said and i slammed the paper into the table. i grabbed sam's hand and stood up. then i looked around and there was people holding guns up to me.

"really? you would kill your child's mother? how heartless." i muttered the last words. he then got up from the couch and walked up to me our faces were inches apart but i still had my tough act on even tho i wasnt. i then snatched the cun from one of his guards and pointed it at hyunjin's chest. he looked supprised for a second but it all went away and a smile creeped at his lips.

"you would kill your child's father in front of him? how heartless." he then snatched the gun away from me. i felt like i was small, small like an ant. i knew i wasnt going to win. i bent down to sam's hieght. 

"sam." i sniffled. "mommy is going to leave for a while." since sam can read rooms he started to cry. he hooked his hand onto my sleeve. i pulled his hand away and stood up i was already balling my eyes out. i was so pathetic. i then started to walk out crying. i was a coward i could even stand up for my own son. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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