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5 years later

"Sam!" i yelled seeing my son running towards me getting out of school. he then got to me and i picked him up. "how was school?" i asked.

he smiled. "good." he said quickly and happily. i laughed. my sister came with me tto pick up sam.

"tell your mom what you got from school." she said smiling. i looked at her confused. then looked back at sam.

"look mommy." he then showed me his wrist. it was a beaded bracelet. his favorite colors, blue and green.

"thats cool sammie." i laughed as he made a mad face. he hates when i call him sammie. i then put him down and held his hand. we walked to the car and went home. when we got home and stepped into the house zoey looked at me. she looked serious.

"hey sam can you go to your room." he nodded and ran towards his room. "what happened." i said serious.

"GUESS WHO JUST GOT A JOB!" she basically screamed. i laughed.

"thats amazing." i said and her smile dropped. "what?" i said concerned.

"thats it?" she asked annoyed. i shrugged my shoulder.

"what? my sister finally got a job." i said smiling. she looked at me and scoffed. "do you want me to tell the whole world?" 

"you wanna know whats funny?" i turned my head in confusion. "if you could go to heaven." i laughed a little. she then rolleed her eyes and went to the living room to watch TV. soon sam went out of his room and into the living room playing with his toys. 

"hey zoey." i said and she turned around on the couch. i was in the kitchen making a sandwich. "what job did you get?" 

"oh right. i got a job as a assistant." i nodded my head. sam then gasped. 

"wait so you can buy me lots and lots of toys?" he said happily.

"sam we wont just buy toys." i said. he then looked down.

"come on gabriella." she turned to sam. "ill buy you lots of toys." i laughed and rolled my eyes. after a little i heard on the news something about Hwang Hyunjin. i looked up and there he was. sam's father. he was on TV getting into a limo. i looked back down. 

"mommy, doesnt he look like me?" he smiled while pointing to the TV. i then nodded while finishing up the sandwich. 

"he does but your so much more handsome than him." Zoey said smiling. i sighed. good thing they think it was just a coincidents that Sam looks like Hyunjin. even some of sam's classmates said he looked like him. 

"hey sam you want to play outside?" i said.

hyunjin's POV

i walked towards the limo and got in. there was cameras flashing and people trying to ask me questions. a lot of people were trying to get to the limo but the guards did a good job and didnt let that happen. i scoffed and we just drove off. "i dont ever want to come to these type of events." 

"but sir, you father said you have to." i loosened my tie and leaned back in the seat. i sighed.

"does it look like i care?" i looked at the driver and he just smiled and nodded. i closed my eyes for a moment. the limo came to a hault which made me open my eyes.

"sir, im so sorry there was a kid who just ran into the street." he said and then we heard a yell.

"SAM!" i heard a womans voice yell. i sighed. 

"just go check but hurry." he nodded then went out of the car. i can still hear everything that was from outside. 

"ma'am i am so sorry." the driver said. "is the child alright?" he asks. he bowed and tried to touch the kid making sure he was alright but the woman pulled the child away. 

"sir please watch where you are going." she yelled while looking furious. i scoffed. the driver looked down guilty. i scoffed. i really needed to get to the cabin but this woman is getting on my nerves. i got pout of the limo and the driver bowed to me. the child didnt even look unconsious. 

"are you okay sam?" she asked the child while touching his face. i rolled my eyes. 

"just give them money." i said then started to walk back to the limo.

"wait. why do you think money will solve everything?" she asked and i rolled my eyes. i turned around and she froze. "we dont need your money. come on sam." 

"wait mommy isnt that the man who looks like me?" the woman widend her eyes. my eyebrows furrowed. "does dad look like him too?" the woman then grabbed the child's hand. 

"stop sam now lets get in the house." she tried to walk with the kid but he didnt budge. "sam come on." she then carried him into the house. 

the driver turned to me. "sir he does look like you." i rolled my eyes and didnt question anything and just went back to the limo. 

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