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Ambrose appeared in the new theater with a heavy sigh.

The narrator was just assigned to a new case of universe 1072, it has been almost three years since the friend group made up of young teens and their older siblings seen one of their founding members.

The group was still healing and grieving not only the loss of a friend, father, and brother but they were grieving a sister and a girlfriend.

They all had questions after seeing the youngest Harrington's grave dug up and empty. Each one of them wanting to know what sick fuck did such a thing.

Little did they know just yet, that it wasn't just any normal human.

The man sighed once more, bringing in the comfortable seats and snack table before taking a deep breath.

"Ambrose, you got a new case. Ambrose we need you on this, Ambrose can you get this done for me." The man muttered under his breath a bit annoyed before snapping his hands and making a group appear.

Each of the falling to the ground with a groan of wince before quickly getting up and looking at their surroundings.

"What the hell just happened?!" Dustin exclaimed as he threw his hat back in his head and grabbed a hold of Steve's jacket.

"Where the fuck are we!?" Max followed up as she backed up into Nancy for comfort from someone familiar.

Nancy held onto the younger teen as she looked to everyone else. "It doesn't look like we're in the upside down so I'm not gonna freak out to hard"

Ambrose cleared his throat making the group all jump a bit before turning to him, everyone in high alert.

"I know you're all confused and dazed blah, blah, blah. I'm Ambrose, a narrator to the universe and all versions of it. You all have many questions about Spencer Harrington and I'm the person with the answers. As you can see, I've brought you all to one of my theaters, here you will watch sessions of Spencer's memories and those around her made up into one episode. Now to help with any confusion and to give more insight I'll be bringing in some people who experienced what's about to be shown. Any questions?" the man finished with a smirk making everyone look at him with a deadpanned and lost face.

"I-I- need a cigarette" Joyce said with a shake of her head as she held onto her boys and El just a bit tighter.

Steve stepped forward, his face hopeful but still solemn. "I-im sorry, did you just say Spencer's memories? my little sister alive?"

Max, Mike, El, Will, Dustin, and Lucas looked at the man with hopeful expressions.

Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, and Joyce fell silent as they too waited for the answer.

The narrator sighed and nodded. "I'll be showing everything from her death until present day."

Steve nodded in a daze before wondering to a nearby chair and practically collapsing in it. His head going into his hands as he thought about everything that was just said.

Robin quickly sat next to him and did her best to console the dazed and lost Harrington boy with Dustin quickly coming to his other side to help the Buckley girl.

Max felt similarly to the older man in his 20's. How do you take the news that your first love, the person you first gave your heart too, the person you saw alive and living a different life without saying anyone.

"Where is she?" Mike asked with some excitement to his voice. He might have a chance at seeing one of his best friends since 1st grade again.

"Is she okay?" El asked wanting to make sure nothing from the upside down was effecting the Harrington, making the taller girl stay away.

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