Chapter 1

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‭Proverbs 17:17 AMPC‬
[17]  A friend loves at all times, and is born, as is a brother, for adversity.


"We should hang out for another B and B this Friday."

"Definitely, see you then!"

And that's that.

Jazz, 17 year old, and strong in the faith, had just cemented another date for Bible study and Bonfire with the youth group.

It was just Wednesday, and she found herself, impatient for Friday.

She placed her phone beside her and took out her laptop.

As she opened it, she was greeted by three friendly bears on her wallpaper.

We Bare Bears that is.

"Time to rewatch this entire cartoon again." She said to herself, clicking on the usual site and watching from episode 1.

She was so focused on the screen, that she didn't realize her sister's voice calling her from the ajared door.

"Jazz!" Her sister, Melody said.

Jazz, snapped her laptop shut, and looked up.

"You were calling?" She asked.

"Obviously, why would I be here?" Melody answered, "anyway, dinner is ready, let's go eat."

Jazz smiled, as her freckles spanned across her brown skinned face, and her eyes, sparkled.

She jumped out of the bed, and followed her sister to the dining room.

"Good, you're here, have a seat, so your father can bless the food." Her mother said.

They did so, and soon, Mr. LeRoux, cleared his throat, before offering a word of prayer to God.

Right after, they began to eat.

"So, Jazz, I heard you'll be participating in the youth evangelism this Saturday, so no dance practice?" Her mother asked.

Stuffing a chicken in her mouth, she shook her head.

"Nope, all free." She said, mouth full.

"Learn to not eat with your mouth full, sis, you'll choke." Melody said, taking a bite of her chicken, "or bite your tongue."

"You're doing it too, so we're equal." Jazz said, followed by a smile.

"Alright girls, let's all not talk with our mouths filled." Mr. LeRoux said, while chewing on salad.

"Mhm, and you all are doing it." Mrs. LeRoux said, followed by a small chuckle.

"Anyway, we're having another B and B this Friday." Jazz said.

"What's that again?" Her mother asked.

"Bible study and Bonfire. We'll head to Rebecca's house since she's the only one with actual space to do a bonfire, and, we are encouraged to invite someone along too, but none of my school friends are interested." Jazz said, playing with her salad.

"Don't worry about it Jazz, your friends may not be interested now. You can't force them. But, what you can do, is keep living the life God wants you to live, they'll come along one day." Her dad said.

Jazz smiled before using her fork to steal her sister's pasta.

"Jazz!" Her sister said, followed by a laugh, " I better get piece of chicken that you have then!"

"Nuh-uh, this chicken is worth more than pasta. I can give you salad instead." Jazz said with a look of triumph.

The girls did a playful stare down, before laughing to themselves.


That evening, Jazz continued watching more episodes of her favorite show, before hearing a knock on her door.

It was her sister.

"Oh hey, sis, come in." Jazz said, as her older sister walked in and sat beside her.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Watching We Bare Bears," Jazz answered, "you?"

"Watching you watch We Bare Bears." She said.

They smiled softly.

"Is it about Jaxon?" Jazz asked.

Jaxon, was the eldest among the siblings. The brother, whom Jazz could always depend on.

But after going to college, his faith started to waver, and soon, it became evident that he was drifting away from God.

It worried the family. Specifically, Melody.

"Yeah...I saw a post from his Ig account." She said, showing Jazz a picture of him in a club.

Most likely an after school party or so.

He was posed in between two other girls.

"Wow...he looks...different..." Jazz said.

The brother she once knew to be so sweet and God centered,  was now living as the world.

"I know Jazz, let's pray for him, so he can come back...else, I don't know what I would do..." Melody said softly.

Her sister's faith was slowly wavering too. Jazz knew it. Whenever Melody starts to think on giving up on something, she tries to fight the feeling first, and soon, gives up.

"Y-Yes, let's do just that." Jazz said softly, shutting her laptop.

They spent a while, praying for Jaxon, for themselves and the family, asking for strength,  forgiveness and expressing gratitude to their Creator.

After that, Melody sighed and smiled, before leaving Jazz to herself.

Jazz sat in the dimly lit room, contemplating life.

"Christianity is not an easy road to travel when you're in this world, that's why we'll need as much support and community as possible." She said to herself, before looking out into the skies.

Opening up a scripture on her phone, she went to Proverbs 17:17.

Proverbs 17:17 AMPC‬
[17]  A friend loves at all times, and is born, as is a brother, for adversity.

She smiled as she thought of her friends from church. After all, they were the ones always encouraging her to stay. Maybe, offering that encouragement to her brother, may just turn him from his ways.

She went back to her cartoon on her laptop, and continued until she fell asleep with the video playing.

In the night, her mother went in, and smiled as she saw her daughter soundly asleep. She quietly put away the laptop, and pulled the blanket over her, before giving her a kiss on her forehead.

"Sleep well, hun."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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