"Shattered reflections"

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                 CHAPTER THREE-

After two years of Chris being gone, sat on the edge of my bed, staring out the window as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the room. But even the beauty of the sunset couldn't chase away the chill that settled in my heart. I closed my eyes and allowed my mind to drift back, two years ago, to that fateful day when my best friend Chris, had packed his life into a moving truck and disappeared from my world.The memory was etched into my mind with painful clarity. I remembered the way he had looked, a mix of determination and sadness in his eyes, as if he were leaving not just the town but a piece of himself behind. I had stood there, frozen, my heart pounding in my chest, desperately wanting to scream out, to tell him to stay. But the words had failed me , caught in my throat like a bitter pill I couldn't swallow.
In the days that followed his departure, I felt as if the color had drained from my life. The laughter that used to fill my days was replaced by a deafening silence, and the weight of loneliness pressed heavily on my chest. There was a moment, one dark afternoon, when the despair became too much to bear. I remembered sitting on the bathroom floor, tears streaming down my face, overwhelmed by a sense of loss so profound that it felt as if the air had been sucked from my lungs.

-The next day-

I had a horrible flashback of that fateful day, forever etched in my memory. The trauma of the event still lingered, casting a dark shadow over my every waking moment.
As the scorching sun beat down on a hot summer day, I awoke drenched in sweat, my body aching with exhaustion.

"It's so hot in here," I mumbled, my voice heavy with weariness. With slow, hesitant steps, I made my way downstairs, desperately hoping to avoid any encounter with Brian. To my relief, the house was eerily empty, devoid of any signs of life.

Stepping outside into the blinding sunlight, my eyes searched for any trace of Brian's presence. My heart sank as I noticed his truck wasn't parked outside. Panic gripped me as a single thought raced through my mind: "Where is my mom?"

Uncertainty and fear gnawed at me as I braced myself for the unknown. With each passing moment, the weight of my traumatic past seemed to grow heavier, threatening to consume me . My world came crashing down as I found myself trapped in a nightmare I could never have imagined. The sound of Brian's truck pulling up sent shivers down my spine, and my instinct told me to find a way out. But as I tried to escape through the back door, I discovered it was locked from the outside, leaving me with no choice but to hide in the kitchen pantry.

From my hiding place, I overheard Brian's conversation with his friends. They seemed intoxicated and full of sinister intentions. Brian spoke of a surprise, demanding payment from his companions for what was to come. My heart raced, my hands trembled, and my breath quickened as I desperately tried to remain silent.

Suddenly, Brian called out my name, his voice echoing through the house. Fear gripped me as I realized the danger I was in. Tears streamed down my  face as I clasped my hands in prayer, hoping against hope that they wouldn't find me . But my hope was shattered when the pantry doors swung open, revealing Brian's sinister smile.

I pleaded with him, my voice trembling, begging him not to hurt me.But Brian showed no mercy as he forcefully dragged me out of the pantry, causing me to fall to the ground. With a cruel grin, Brian took me to his room, where the three men awaited. The stench of alcohol filled the air, and my worst fears became a horrifying reality.

In an attempt to escape, I mustered the strength and tried to run, but Brian's violent slap sent me crashing to the floor. The men laughed at me, a repulsive figure with dirty hair, missing teeth, and filthy clothes, picked me up and threw me onto the bed. Brian demanded payment before they could have their way with me, and the man handed over the money without hesitation.

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