Not so warm welcome

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The moment I found myself in this valley I realized this is exactly where I needed to be. Following in my grandfathers footsteps is exactly what I needed to do. 

Jojacorp was so boring and tedious and well, as this town also has a Joja it's easy to avoid. 

Watering my crops and clearing out a little more of the foliage I decided to head up towards the mountains for some forage. I stumbled into Linus who warily tried to avoid me. 

I know he's very different than the others and perhaps if I offered him something...

I reached into my small backpack and pulled out a horseradish I picked up on the way here. I waved as I walked up to him and held it out.

"Would you like this? I picked it up on the way here." He stared at the radish in my hand and I smile as he takes it.

"This is a great find! I love eating wild foods. There's something about eating something you foraged yourself that makes the meal just that more special." I smile at him and nod a little. I notice the loud banging from yesterday is gone.

"The mines are now open if you find yourself feeling adventurous. Do be careful though." I raise an eyebrow.

"The mines?" He nods, and says nothing more just goes back to looking into the lake. I shrug and head over there.

Some guy I haven't seen before is in the cave, he starts when he sees me and just looks back down the ladder. 

"I was just looking down this ladder, it's been abandoned for years." He looks back up to me. "Still, there's probably some good ore down there." He shudders a bit. "Though a dark place, it's dangerous, take this, it's old and won't do much but it's something." He hands me a rusty sword.

I look down the ladder as the guy walks away. I shrug and descend.

"This doesn't seem so bad." I recognize ore immediately and break the nodes, I then begin to break some of the other rocks looking for the covered up ladders to go down further. 

Once my feet are on the ground I turn around and get hit by something, "what the-" I have zero time to recover before I get covered in a slimy green substance. This causes me to slip and move slower which just causes me to get hit again. 

I see nothing else before I pass out. Or am I dead? This is embarrassing. Leave the new farmer guy alone in the mines for five minutes and I get killed.


I wake up in a florescent room and I cringe at the pain surrounding my limbs. I try to sit up but I'm told to lay back down from a voice.

"Your limbs and ribs are bruised, I would stay laying down for a while." He comes into view and my head swims. He's gorgeous. 

"I'm Dr. Harvey, Linus dropped you off a little while ago. First trip into the mines, huh?" He chuckles and I can feel my face heat from embarrassment. "Lewis told me to be ready for some more patients who decide to venture into the mines. Didn't think you would be my first one, however." I ignore his previous tellings and sit my happy ass up. With the pain from my ribs.

"What a warm welcome to the town." He laughs and shakes his head. 

"You are very welcomed to the town, Farmer. But, you will have to be more careful," he sits down on a swivel chair and moves closer to me. "Let me take a look at that arm." I move my right arm closer to him and wince, he removes some of the gauze and bandages to reveal a big, gross scrape across my forearm. 

"Apparently you didn't fall with much grace, you scraped the hell out of your arm on a rock." I nod.

"Yeah, it sure feels like I did."

"Oh-ho. Smart one." 

"Ha-ha." He snickers a little as he reapplies something to my arm and covers it back up. 

"Don't go back into the mines without some proper attire. For instance a better sword. You won't get anywhere with that, and I also sell some medicine that could help. I would feel better if you stayed safe." I raise my eyebrow and lean back in the bed.

"You don't want me to be a return patient? Wouldn't you get more money from that?" He swivels around and stands up.

"As that is true, I would rather the people of this town be safe than having to see me everyday. I do have morals, Farmer." I'm sitting here and I realize he doesn't know my name. 

"Y/N. Farmer Y/N." He smiles a little. He's kinda... No, he's very attractive. He takes a long sip of a cup of, by the smell, coffee. 

"You're free to go whenever, Y/N." I grin and stand up, taking my things and saying goodbye.

"You'll see me again, I'm sure." He sighs.

"I'm sure I will." I laugh and leave and head home on my sore limbs. 

Some of these people are quite attractive I must say, maybe I could drop in tomorrow and say hi to Harvey. With some coffee, he seemed to like that cup he had. 

Yeah, I'll do that.

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