One Black Coffee, Please

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After meeting the towns doctor the other day I had been thinking about how reckless I was in the mines and I have gone back since, but I've been avoiding everything I can and being as careful as I can.

Although, things go wrong when you have a little bad luck, hence, my now very, very messed up arm and scrape along my shin. Fantastic.

Walking that walk of shame from the mountains, through town and into the doctors office was probably one of the most humiliating things. If the townspeople knew me better I would assume they would be more concerned.

The lot of them just stared and looked horrified. It's the middle of the day!

Walking into the clinic Dr. Harvey is at the counter and as he looks up his face fills with a little bit of horror and a tinge of annoyance.

"Oh my. Here let me help you in." A girl comes up and takes my arm in her hands.

"Farmer, this is Maru. She's my assistant. Just take him back to a bed. I'll be there in a second." Maru helps me into a bed and a little bit later Dr. Harvey comes around the corner and sits in his swivel chair once more.

"Well, Farmer. Welcome back." I laugh.

"I did say you'd see me again." He looks up through his glasses at me.

"That you did. Thank you Maru I'll handle it from here." He turns back to me with an air of disappointment. "I distinctly remember telling you to be careful." I let out a small awkward laugh.

"I was, trying to at least. But things don't always go the way you want them to, especially in the mines." He shakes his head and stands up.

"Let me see your arm, pull up your shirt." I nod and do as he says, giving him my left arm. I wince immediately after he takes my arm in his hands. I didn't get a good look at it before but damn.

I messed it up good.

"You messed this up good." Get out of my head, Doctor. "Don't worry I'll get you all fixed up in no time." He gives me a small smile looking back down at me through his glasses.

"Can you move your arm?" I flex my arm a little and move my elbow and nod. "Good. Means nothing is broken. It's probably just strained along with these cuts." He looks down at the blood seeping down my leg.

"Then there's that. I'll take care of that first." He sits down and I give him my leg. Pulling up my pant leg I watch as he disinfects it and then wraps it.

In no time he has me all fixed up and feeling better. Aside from my torn and filthy clothes.

"As you said before, this is probably not the last time I'll be seeing you." He says, his back turned to me and writing something down. "But do be more careful. Though it is good to see you, Farmer." I chuckle a little.

"It's good to see you too, Doctor. Though I'll have to visit under better circumstances." He laughs a little and looks back at me.

"I would appreciate that." I stand up and pay the fee then I sulk my way to the saloon.

Opening the door Gus greets me.

"Welcome in! What can I get you?" 

"A black coffee and a salad please, Gus." He nods and turns around to pour the coffee and I watch as Emily gets me the salad.

"You look a bit rough if you don't mind me saying, what happened?" I chuckle a bit and lean on my hand with my elbow on the table. He slides me the coffee and I take a long sip of it.

"Yeah, I got bested in the mines. Had to visit Harvey. Oh, um, irrelevant but what's some of the doctors favorite things?" Gus thinks for a moment, he gets handed an empty glass from a woman beside me and he pours her another, what I think is beer.

"Harvey likes a lot of things. Some of his favorites is coffee and wine. Oh and I think he really likes pickles, whenever he orders a sandwich he always asks for extra. That's all I know." Hm. I think for a moment before Emily places my salad in front of me.

"Could I get a coffee to go?" He nods and fixes up a coffee to go. I finish up eating and take the coffee to the clinic. 

Opening the door I see Harvey at the front desk. He laughs a little when I walk in. 

"Already hurt again?" I laugh as well and walk up to the counter. 

"No, nothing like that. I just wanted to bring you a little something." I hand him the coffee and he smiles.

He smells the coffee and his smile grows even wider. 

"This is my favorite! How did you know?" I shrug a little, letting a smirk crawl over my face. 

"A little birdie." He raises an eyebrow and takes a sip of the coffee.

"Gus?" I shrug and nod a little bit.

"Gus." He nods and smiles once more.

"This is great, thank you. Don't hesitate to drop by, no medical injuries required." 

"Thank you, Harvey. I'll be on my way now." I think to myself for a moment then I reach for the paper Robin gave me when I first got here. 

The names of everyone and here it says Harvey is single.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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