Chapter 1

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Astrid's alarm clock buzzed with a relentless persistence, pulling her from the depths of sleep. She groaned, rolling over to silence it, and lay there for a moment, staring at the ceiling of her small bedroom. Another day, another battle to face.

With a sigh, she pushed herself out of bed and shuffled to the small, worn-out mirror hanging on the wall. Her amber eyes stared back at her, a striking and unusual feature that had always set her apart, much to her detriment. She ran her fingers through her messy, shoulder-length brown hair, trying to smooth it down. It was a futile effort, but one she made every morning out of habit.

Astrid turned to her dresser, pulling out a plain hoodie and a pair of jeans. She dressed quickly and glanced back at the mirror, not liking what she saw but accepting it nonetheless. The bruise from yesterday's encounter was still visible on her arm, a stark reminder of the cruelty she faced daily.

Leaving her room, Astrid tiptoed down the narrow hallway careful not to wake her Mother, it had long since been normalised that her father slept on the couch in the lounge room. As she opened the door to her sisters room she smiled, Farley was already awake, sitting on her bed with her green eyes sparkling with mischief. Her brown hair was a tangled mess, but Astrid had long perfected the art of braiding it.

"Morning, Farley," Astrid greeted, her voice soft and gentle.

"Hi, Astrid!" Farley replied cheerfully, jumping off the bed.  Astrid smiled, and she sat Farley down and began to braid her hair, fingers moving deftly. As she worked, Farley chattered on about her dreams, her friends at school, and the latest adventures of her favourite cartoon characters. Astrid listened, her heart warming at her sister's innocence and enthusiasm.

"There," Astrid said, tying off the second braid with a small ribbon. "All done, ready for breakfast?"

Farley nodded and as the pair made their way downstairs, careful to tiptoe past the couch where their father slept, various wine bottles strewn about and Farley spoke up again.

"Is Mommy and Daddy still fighting?" Her voice soft and innocent.

Astrids heart ached at the worry in her sisters eyes. "Dont worry about that, sunshine.

After breakfast, they left the house together, hand in hand. The morning air was crisp, the sky a clear blue. Astrid took comfort in the routine of walking Farley to school, the familiar streets and houses providing a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos of their home life.

At the primary school gate, Astrid knelt to Farley's level. "Remember, if anything happens, find Ms. Thompson, okay?"

Farley nodded solemnly. "I will. Love you, Astrid."

"Love you too, Farley. Have a good day." She watched as her sister skipped off to join her friends, her heart heavy with worry. Farley was the bright spot in her life, the one thing that made the constant bullying and the tension at home bearable.

With a deep breath, Astrid continued her walk to Ridgeway High. The closer she got, the more her stomach churned with anxiety. She knew what awaited her behind those doors: the whispers, the taunts, the sneers. It was a daily ordeal, one she had learned to endure but never accept.

As soon as she walked through the school's entrance, the familiar feeling of being watched settled over her. She kept her head down, trying to make herself as invisible as possible. It rarely worked. Today was no different.

"Hey, freak! Hows life in your stupid little fantasy world?" The voice was unmistakable—Jessica, the ringleader of her tormentors. Astrid clenched her fists and kept walking, hoping to avoid a confrontation. But Jessica and her clique were relentless.

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