My Mother

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Narrative: star court mall (mind flayer defeated)

"i can't believe this" you dad said as he drove you home "I'm serious dad there's monsters out there" you say trying to convince your dad of the truth "y/n there no such things as monsters" he said as he drove down the dark road to get to your home "you never believe me... mom would" you say looking out of the window trying not to break down in tears as your dad stopped the car "stop bringing her up" your dad said looking at you "why she loved me and its clear you don't" you said looking at him with tears in your eyes "why because i won't believe your lies and she didn't love you if she did she would have never left" he said starting the car back up "she didn't leave you kicked her out then she was attacked in the woods" you said looking at him "how are you going to just sit there and pretend like she left when you know damn well she didn't" you said looking at him "she could have come back" your dad said "I. HATE. YOU" you said as you turned back around and started crying as you remembered the last day you saw your mother alive.


you and your mom where driving in her car on the way home from you going trick or treating "i got so much candy mom" you said smiling happily at her "that's great sweety" she said sounding tired due to her just getting off of work "mommy" you say looking into your driveway "yes sweetheart" she says "who's car is that" you say pointing "i-i don't know" she said as he pulled into the driveway soon after you both get out and make your way toward the front door and your mom tells you to go into your room and close the door you comply without a second thought a few seconds went by when all of a sudden you heard yelling and banging coming from your hallway you rushed to opened the door where you saw your mom and another woman fighting and your dad was pulling her off of the other woman "SHEILA STOP" he yelled at her the you realized he was in his underwear and so was she "LET ME GO" the woman yelled she sounded familiar but you couldn't place it "NO ILL KILL YOU" your mom yelled with tears in her eyes "NO YOU WONT" you dad said as he slammed your mother onto the ground "MOMMY" you yelled rushing over toward her "TONY HOW COULD YOU" she yelled getting up and hitting him in the face "STOP" he said as he grabbed her arms "KAREN GO GET YOUR THINGS HURRY" he yelled the woman quickly got up and rushed into your parents' bedroom to get her things "DAD LET HER GO" you said trying to release your mother from his grip "Y/N GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW" he yelled "NO LET HER GO" you said then you hit the ground feeling a pain on your left cheek your father had smacked you "WHY WOUL-" your mom started off then she was on the ground next to you but her mouth was bleeding "y-you hit me" you mother said looking up at your father who instead of apologizing just grabbed her by her hair and drug her into the bathroom the at that second you saw the woman run out of the house but you didn't care about her all you cared about was your mom "DAD STOP" you yelled banging onto the door but all you heard was your dad groaning and your mom screaming begging him to stop after a few minutes  heard your dad cream then your mother ran out of the bathroom toward the door but he rushed after her before she could make it soon after a few more blows to her face and body he opened the door and  theow her out of the door and you saw he face it was bloody and bruised and her hair was a mess and so where her clothes "leave now" he said as he closed the door then he walked toward you and ousted you put of the way as he went into the bathroom to clean up and he went to bed you waited on the couch for your mother to come back like she always did but this time she didn't then you fell asleep when you were awoken by banging on the door you open the door to see officer hopper at your door "hey hop" you say rubbing your eyes "hello y/n is your father here" he says looking around you were about to respond "yeah what seems to be the problem officer" he says looking at hopper "y/n where's your mother" you dad says "i don know" you said looking at him the at the ground "i can answer that but imma need you both to sit down "okay but why" you dad said sitting onto the couch "I'm sorry but we found Sheila in the woods" he said looking at both of you "okay then where is she" you dad said "I'm sorry to tell you this but Sheila is dead" you looked at him "your joking right hop  this isn't funny if you are where is my mom" he looked at you "she's gone y/n the Demogorgon it got her" hopper said "i thought we got rid of them" you said looking at him "no it seems we haven't" hopper replied then he got up "I'm sorry for your losses i will attend the funeral" hopper said then he walked out of the door leaving you staring at you father "I HATE YOU" you yelled as you ran to your room and slammed the door behind you.


"Where here get out" your dad said bringing your attention to the small home "whatever" you said getting out if the car "watch it" your dad called out to you, but you continued to walk into the house you walked all the way past your room u walked into the bathroom and shut the door and you walked toward the tub to turn on the shower you stripped your clothes and stepped in humming at the feeling of the hot weather on your skin you looked down as you say all of the blood and sweat and dirt washing off you after ten minutes you finished showering and you walked into your bedroom to get ready for bed you just finished detangling your hair when your dad walked into your room and stood by the door "do you need something?" you asked looking at him thru your vanity that you got from your mom "i just wanted to say I'm sorry for saying that your mother didn't love you it was very heartless of me" he said looking at the ground you whipped around to look at him he never apologizes "why are you apologizing you never apologize" you look say looking at him "I've been s-... reading parenting books and they say to build a relationship i have to talk to you and stop being so dismissive of you" he says looking at you in the eye this is the first time in a year you both have talked where you weren't arguing "really?" you say looking at him confused "yes i want our relationship to be better i want a bond with you y/n" he said walking toward you at this moment you didn't see the monster who hurt your mother you saw your father the man you loved you and your mother "i don't know what to sa-" you were cut off by the feeling of arms around you... your dad he was hugging you. you started to feel your eye start to sting... you were crying because of a hug you wrapped your arms around him "I've missed this" he said looking at you "me too dad" you said then you both ley go and he kissed you on the head "i love you goodnight star" he said 'star' you thought to yourself that's the old nickname he gave you after you wanted to be a star for Halloween you smiled "love ya too dad" he smiled and walked out of the door closing it behind him you just stared at the door 'he's acting different' you think you get up and walk over to your walkie and you radio out to the party "guys come in guys" you say over the walkie "yeah this is will over" will says "my dad he just apologized to me over" you say then you hear four more people saying what "yeah he came in and apologized then he hugged e and told me he loved me over" you say "that's weird over" mike says everyone agrees the you all talk about next year and Mike plans a campaign everyone agrees to go then you say goodnight to everyone and then you go to bed.

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