A LONG DAY (jin)

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Jin pulls into the driveway, music loud in his ears as it blasts from his car speakers. It's been a long day - 12 hours in the office, deadlines coming up, stacks upon stacks of paperwork needing filled out by the end of the week, not to mention the needy, incompetent people at the office, all looking to him for direction. Typically, he can handle it...but something about this week has him on edge.

He turns off the ignition, opens the car door, grabs his briefcase, and steps out. Fuck, it's cold. He pulls his pea coat tighter around himself, clacking across the driveway to fiddle with his keys and open up the front door. He's hit by a warm rush of air from inside that immediately soothes him. It smells nice - like cookies, or a sweet candle. The house is clean, dusted, and fresh, just the way he likes it to be. He kicks off his shoes at the door and sets his briefcase on the table, shedding his coat.


He peers into the living room for her, his true relief, the one thing that helps to snatch him away from the stress of every day: His babygirl.

"I'm in here, Daddy."

The sound of her voice, though faint, gives him a thrill. It sounds like it's coming from the bedroom, so he steps through the house, hardwood creaking under his feet, and ascends the stairs to their bedroom. He finds her bra hanging over the banister, panties on the stairs. A smirk comes to his lips as he bends to retrieve them, lifting her panties to his nose to inhale her. They smell like sex and want.

He turns around the corner and steps into the bedroom to find her. He has to take a deep breath to steady himself at the sight of her. She kneels before him, hands splayed atop her thighs and legs spread wide. Nearly naked, save for the blood red fishnets on her legs, her hair is done up beautifully, curls that cascade down her shoulders and back. Her makeup is heavy and thick, dark lines and red lips. As he looks down upon her, her skin prickles with goosebumps and her nipples tighten.

"Hi, Daddy." She smiles sweetly.


Okay, Daddy's gonna be home in twenty minutes...

She lights the snickerdoodle scented candle in the living room and turns on the overhead fan, spreading its sweet, gentle scent through the entryway of the house. She scurries around the first floor, scrubbing up the last of the dishes, sweeping the floor, and tidying up the blankets on the couches - just the way Daddy likes it. He hates coming home to a dirty house.

She's clad in a big t-shirt, white and tattered, holes in various places but it's comfortable, so she wears it all the time. No panties or bottoms, but a pair of knee high, fuzzy socks sit on her feet as she slides around finishing up the cleaning. She peeks at the clock. Ten minutes have gone by already.

Gasping, she all but sprints up the stairs to do her makeup and hair. Daddy has had such a long, hard couple of weeks. With the holidays wrapping up, both of them have been stressed, snapping at one another for the smallest thing. It isn't fair of course, and both of them know it. The new year always brings new stress to Daddy's company and he isn't the best at letting out his pent up frustration.

...but little knows just how to help with that.

She slips off her ratty tee and throws it in the hamper, then strips off the fuzzy socks. A quick shave of the legs and underarms before she slathers herself in Daddy's favorite lotion that she wears. Smooth, glistening legs and shoulders follow soon after as she stands in the mirror and puts on her ruby red lipstick. Don't smudge...don't smudge...Perfect! She then says a prayer to the eyeliner gods to ensure that her hands are steady and her lines straight. Good enough, anyway. She has a feeling Daddy won't be looking at her eyes.

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