ACT 2: "Friend"

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The little girl ran for her life across the barren wasteland. Behind her, countless shadows were in pursuit, all wanting to devour the child of light. She panted, attempting to outmaneuver them, though her legs screamed in exhaustion. It was fortunate that these shadows moved at a slower pace and were of meager intelligence, easily becoming distracted by some mundane object or another.

After losing the most recent group, the little girl took a moment to catch her breath, leaning against a nearby boulder. She placed her small hand upon her chest, feeling her frantic heartbeat. She exhaled deeply and closed her eyes, thankful for a moment's reprieve.

"That was a close one," a voice suddenly echoed. "I was certain they had you that time." The little girl panicked and looked around, letting out a small cry as the shadow that freed her dropped down from atop the boulder.



"You were watching me?"

"Of course. I said I wanted to be there when your wish was fulfilled, didn't I?" He looked around, scratching his head. "However, it doesn't look like that's going to happen. I give you a few more days before my brethren finally catch you." He cackled.

Annoyed, the little girl picked up a pebble and threw it at the shadow. A weak throw, which only caused the pebble to bounce off his chest.

"Ouch. Heh heh," the shadow mocked, scratching his chest.

"You just wait and see, my wish will come true!" the girl declared before running off once more.

Left alone, the shadow looked at the ground, staring at the pebble before him. A small, lonely speck of a stone.


In the days to come, the shadow continued to watch the little girl's every move. Each new day brought its share of hardships for the child, running from one hiding spot to another. The number of perusing shadows was steadily increased: a group of five quickly became ten, ten became fifteen, and fifteen easily became twenty.

The ever-vigilant shadow could see the little girl wearing down, her movements becoming sluggish as time went on. Still, to his surprise, she pressed onward, determined to see her elusive wish fulfilled.

"She certainly has spirit," the shadow yawned one day, leisurely perched on some rocks overlooking the wastes. From where he was, he could see the little girl shuffling along. Her bare feet and face were dusty and her shine was no longer as brilliant as when they'd first met.

"You don't look so well, little one!" he called out, his voice echoing and mixing with the blowing wind. She made no reply, only continued to shuffle along.

"You've done well to make it this far!"

Amidst his jeering, the girl collapsed, finally giving in to her exhaustion, and lay motionless in the dirt.

"Heh, so that's it, huh?" The shadow stood up and stretched his back. A satisfying crack from his lower spine was heard and felt. "Disappointing. Ah well, managed to entertain me for a while at least." He turned to leave, but stopped upon noticing the girl twitch. She began pulling herself along.

After watching her for a moment more, the shadow leapt down from his perch and walked over to the girl. He kneeled, simply watching as she pitifully pulled herself along. After a moment, the girl fell still, lying with her face to the side.

"Why not give up, little one? You will not survive much longer out here. In this world, the darkness completely outweighs your tiny light."

The shadow watched as droplets welled in the girl's eyes and slid down her cheek.

"It's not fair," she sobbed. "I want so very much for my wish to be fulfilled. Why must I perish without ever having it granted?" She continued to whimper before finally succumbing to the exhaustion. She slept.

The shadow was left to silently look upon the frail girl. He reached down by the girl's cheek, catching a drop of water and rubbing it in his claws.


The little girl felt warmth all around her. No longer was the harsh, dust-filled wind beating against her delicate skin. She opened her eyes and her vision focused, the sight of the familiar shadow waving at her came into view.

She gasped and scurried backward, her head hitting the wall behind her.

"Eek!" she cried, holding her scalp.

"I would not make too much noise if I were you. Who knows if my kin will hear you and come to search this place?"

The little girl looked around, finding herself in a small cave with the sound of the howling wind coming from the entrance above.

"Where are we?" she asked, curling into a corner away from the shadow.

"A cave," the shadow said incredulously. "Have you never seen a cave before?"

"I know what a cave is. I meant, why have I come to be in such a place?" she insisted.

The shadow scratched his head. "You collapsed out in the wasteland. I brought you here to recover. If I left you out in the open, no doubt one of the other shadows would have stumbled upon you."

"You saved me?"

"Heh, I suppose I did."

"But why? You could have easily devoured me yourself. I was defenseless."

The shadow looked away, staring up at the stalactites.

"I admit it is strange... but I have no interest in eating one such as yourself."

"Then why?" the little girl asked, holding her knees close to her chest.

"You still have not told me your wish. It would be a shame if you died before I could know."

The girl remained silent. The two stared at each other and after a moment, she laughed. A charming giggle that made her light shine brighter for but a brief moment.

"You are rather strange, Mr. Shadow."

"I am strange?"

"Yes. You are quite different from your friends," she said with a smile.

The shadow held his chin and thought for a moment. "You said 'friends'. What is a 'friends'?"

The girl's smile faded as quickly as it appeared. "You don't know what a friend is?"

"'Fraid not. Is it tasty?"

The remark prompted the same bubbly laugh from the little girl. "No, silly. A friend is..." She paused. "Hmm, how does one explain this?" she asked herself. "I suppose, a friend is someone you care for. Someone you enjoy spending time with. Someone to laugh with, as well as-"

"I have nothing like that," the shadow interrupted with a shrug. "Seems rather complicated. I don't like complicated things."

"I see," the girl replied.

"What about you, child? Have you this, 'friend'?"

"No... I'm afraid not," the girl said looking down at the ground, her tone somber.

"I see," the shadow replied.

Both remained silent. The little girl was lost in thought, and the shadow continued to stare at her.

"What if-"

"Hmm?" The shadow gestured for her to continue.

"Well, what if you and I became friends?" she asked sheepishly.

The shadow thought for a moment.

"If I become your friend, will you tell me your wish?"

She averted her gaze. "Perhaps... But not now."

"In that case, I am now your friend."

The little girl smiled. The light that shone from her grew intense, and the shadow held up a claw, shielding his eyes.

"Heh, if anything, you're the strange one, child."

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