°~°chapter 13°~°

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after what happened I knew I didn't need him I mean one he didn't believe me and didn't trust me enough

I cried and all night  in bed until I started to see black dots and then everything went black

The next day

I woke up to find Anna putting a wet cloth on my head

A: o your awake finally

E: what time is it

A: umm about that its the afternoon

E: WHAT?!?! And u didn't go to school

A: well I had to take care of you sou I asked if Jack or Punzie can bring it over. Jack said to ask Jason to come over and see you and what not. Can I ask why he didn't really care

E: we broke up because he saw Jason kiss me and thought I kissed Jason so he broke up with me

I said braking down to tears

A: o I'm so sorry

E: I'm going for a walk to get everything off my mind

A: okay be back soon

I walk out the doors and go outside I walk not thinking about what's happening around me

Just thinking about how I was right about Jack same as all of those boys

A two-timing jerk

He only thinks about himself and all he didn't even listen to what actually happened

I knew he was watching Jason and I every time we were together

I thought it was cute

Hint word 'thought'

He was so....

Then I blacked out


I went to school and first thing I noticed was that Elsa and Anna weren't here that's until Anna called saying Elsa wouldn't wake up

I told her to get Jason to help not me

I mean why wouldn't I be angry at her for cheating but yet she holds a place in my heart

Classes went by in a blur and now it was my music class

Teacher: Elsa Winters

She said during role call

Teacher: Jack may I speak with you

J: yes

I walk over to the teacher not really carding about the stare from people

Teacher: I need a favor

J: yes?

Teacher: I need you to tell Elsa that she has been accepted to The Juilliard School in New York, New York

I was speechless only the best of the best get in there

J: did she apply

Teacher: she did she had high hopes to get in

So that means she would have to leave and move to New York

She would


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