Confession( 18+)

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Aliana's pov
It was midnight
I woke up feeling weird like something was tickling me down my vagina.
As the time was passing that weird sensation was becoming a needy one.
I got up from the bed and went towards Damian who was sleeping on the couch.
I woke him up and said
" Damian , Damian wake up"
Damian in his deep husky raspy, sleepy voice
" Yes what happened why are you waking me up in midnight"
" I-i don't know why but I am feeling ne-edy"
I said the needy word in lower voice while bitting my lower lip in embarrassment.
" I think there was something mixed in that juice "
" Now that you have mentioned it i feel it too"
The time was passing and by each second I was feeling more and more needy.
I saw some sweat droplets on damian's face and i understood that he was in the same situation as me.
It became unbearable now and I couldn't control it.
I hovered above Damian and started kissing him roughly i felt him smirking between the kiss.
He suddenly whispered in my ears in his deep husky, manly voice.
" Are you sure about this babygirl cause I don't want you to regret this later on".

" I don't think I will regret anything about you in my whole life . You're the best thing that could ever happen to me .also I think it's already to late to step back. So, let's continue what we were doing ."( I replied to him boldly)
He was smirking at my reply
Suddenly he picked me up in bridal style and threw on the bed.
He tore my Clothes off and started kissing me roughly on the lips then he moved towards my neck he was kissing me roughly yet passionately leaving red, purplish  marks behind.
He had lust in his eyes but love too and the best part was both were meant only for me .

He  took  his shirt off and threw it somewhere on the floor .
His Greek god like abs were visible now.
He was just masterpiece,
I was staring at his abs so he grabbed my hands gently and put them on his abs .
As he did that I looked at him confused .
As he said ,
"Don't worry princess all of these are yours only every piece of me , my soul and every thing that has ever belonged to me is yours"
At his this sentence I blushed heat rushed in my cheeks as they turned crimson colour and i bit my lower lip.
When I did that he spoke
" Don't do that love I won't be able to control myself if you do that "
"  ThenWho is telling you to control yourself"?
I hadn't even finished the sentence.
And he took my bra and panties off.
Then I removed his underwear.
As soon as I did that
His huge dick sprang out it was totally hard by now .
I  made him lie down and hovered above him .
I took his dick in my small hands that could barely wrap around his huge dick .
I picked the head of his bare dick and entered the half dick in my mouth because his dick was just too big to even fit inside my mouth.
I started moving my mouth as he was moaning my name.
" Ohh gosh how are so good at this Aliana"
" Ohh fuck it feels so good"
Then I increased my pace he grabbed my head from back and he came inside my mouth"
I had no other choice but to swallow his thick liquid
Then he flipped the positions now he was on top of me .
He parted my legs .
At this point I became really nervous. I was a virgin and his dick was just to big for me . If he entered it inside he will rip me apart.
I was very scared so I spoke
" D-damian " ( while stuttering in low voice)
" Yes"
" I-i think you are too big for me you're huge memeber will rip me apart I don't think I will able to take it"
" You have to take it you were meant to take it you were born for me only me "
(As he said this his eyes darkened)

Hearing his words i became more nervous but I knew there is no escaping now .
I was nervous so murmerd in really low voice
" Ye-s"
Hearing this he gave me the naughtiest yet the most sexiest smirk to ever exist

He then hovered above me and finally entered his dick inside me .
As soon as he entered it i felt a really sharp pain in my abdomen.
I screamed his name
" Damiannn ahhhhhhh , it's too bigggg ahhh , ohhh myy devilll  !!!!"
" Wrong babygirl no devil can save you from me tonight "
It was true no devil  will dare to save me from him cause he himself is the biggest devil to ever exist.
" Look it fits perfectly"
I don't know why he said that sentence cause it was a complete lie his huge dick could barely fit in my virgin vagina, was he mocking me i didn't know but all of this was too much for me to handle so I gave in .
He asked if he can move now and I said "ye-"
Even before I could finish my sentence he started moving .
His each thrust was giving me unbearable pain and pleasure at the same time.
After a few thrusts I started feeling different I felt good like really good i didn't want him to stop now I moaned in pleasure.
" Ahhhh Damian ahh don't stopp'!!
At my this sentence he increased his pace even more he was doing it in inhuman speed .
My long sharp nails were digging in his back and my hands were moving in his hair while begging him not to stop.
Damian's pov
I still couldn't believe I was fucking this perfect creation of God .
She was moaning my name continuously begging me not to stop these words of her were making me more needy for her her messed up state under me was enhancing her beauty even more  everything just felt unreal.
I was Close and i could feel she was in the same state as me .
As I said
" Let's cum together kitty"
As I said that her cheeks turned red , red like  a tomato making her more beautiful".
Ohh God when she bites her lips when she is nervous.
All of this belongs to me ,only me only i should have the authority to see her like this .
Then we cummed together.
I laid beside her tired figure who was giving me a cute smile.
My eyes softened seeing her like this i don't know why I don't even soften my eyes infront of my parents .
The ' devil king of buisness, the cold hearted CEO ' had fallen in love with a simple , naive yet beautiful girl .was this what they call the being in love .
And i finally said
" I love you Aliana Damian Dexter I love you from my whole heart i belong to you and you only belong to me "
" I don't know if you will forgive me for my previous behaviour but if it's not you then no one else can come in my life . No one , no one in this would can take you're place in my heart.
Aliana's pov
I heard those words he just said to me I looked into his eyes that contained so much love in them for me his honest words his love for me deeper than the Pacific ocean.
I replied to him
"I love you too nasty old monkey "
Trying to hide the tears of joy I had in my eyes.
Then we hugged each other and slept .

Hello guys I know this chapter was too long but I didn't want devide this part . I am sorry if I made any spelling mistakes and  stay continued and also if you're liking this story please vote . It  will help me a lot thankyou and byee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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